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无法将 null 文字转换为不可为 null 的引用类型

[英]Cannot convert null literal to non-nullable reference type

Using C# 10 I have the interface:使用 C# 10 我有界面:

public interface IPluralRuleProvider {
    Boolean TryGetRule(CultureInfo culture, out PluralizationRuleDelegate rule);

In a class I am implementing the method and I have:在 class 中,我正在实施该方法并且我有:

Rules = new Dictionary<String, PluralizationRuleDelegate>();

Boolean IPluralRuleProvider.TryGetRule(CultureInfo culture, out PluralizationRuleDelegate rule)
    rule = null;

    if (Rules.TryGetValue(culture.Name, out rule))
        return true;    

    if (culture.Parent != null && Rules.TryGetValue(culture.Parent.Name, out rule))
        return true;

    return false;

I am getting the warnings:我收到警告:

Cannot convert null literal to non-nullable reference type无法将 null 文字转换为不可为 null 的引用类型
Possible null reference assignment可能的 null 参考分配

I have been trying different versions but I always get some kind of warning.我一直在尝试不同的版本,但总是收到某种警告。

Can I change something to avoid this?我可以改变一些东西来避免这种情况吗?

  • I assume when TryGetRule returns false that the out rule parameter will be assigned to null .我假设当TryGetRule返回false时, out rule参数将分配给null
    • ...in that case you need to add two annotations to out PluralizationRuleDelegate rule : ...在这种情况下,您需要向out PluralizationRuleDelegate rule添加两个注释:
      1. PluralizationRuleDelegate? - ie " rule can be null ". - 即“ rule可以null ”。
      2. [NotNullWhen(true)] - ie "Even though we've declared rule as maybe- null , we pinky-swear promise that when this method returns true that the out rule parameter will not be null . [NotNullWhen(true)] - 即“即使我们已将rule声明为 maybe- null ,我们小指发誓 promise 当此方法返回true时, out rule参数将不是null
        • Note that the C# compiler does not (and cannot , I think?) exhaustively prove your [NotNullWhen(true)] postcondition - so be sure to double-check your logic - consider adding && rule != null checks to every this.Rules.TryGetValue` call-site too.请注意,C# 编译器不会(我认为也不能?)详尽地证明您的[NotNullWhen(true)]后置条件 - 因此请务必仔细检查您的逻辑 - 考虑添加&& rule != null检查每个 this.Rules。 TryGetValue` 调用站点也是如此。

Anyway, change your interface to this:无论如何,将您的interface更改为:

using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;

public interface IPluralRuleProvider {
  Boolean TryGetRule(CultureInfo culture, [NotNullWhen(true)] out PluralizationRuleDelegate? rule);

and implementation:和实施:

using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;

Boolean IPluralRuleProvider.TryGetRule(CultureInfo culture, [NotNullWhen(true)] out PluralizationRuleDelegate? rule) {

  if (this.Rules.TryGetValue(culture.Name, out rule))
    return true;

  if (culture.Parent != null && this.Rules.TryGetValue(culture.Parent.Name, out rule))
    return true;

  return false;


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