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C# 源代码生成器:通过命令行属性或预处理器定义常量有条件地生成代码

[英]C# Source Generators: conditionally generate code via command line properties or pre-processor define constants

I am writing a source generator using the incremental generator approach.我正在使用增量生成器方法编写源代码生成器。

I want to allow the developers to be able to conditionally generate some extra code (eg extra comments, debug printouts, pedantic validations in the generated code, etc.) and I would like this to be controlled by either:我想让开发人员能够有条件地生成一些额外的代码(例如,额外的注释、调试打印输出、生成的代码中的迂腐验证等),我希望这可以通过以下任一方式来控制:

  • DefineConstants by adding the following to the .csproj file of the project using my source generator:通过使用我的源生成器将以下内容添加到项目的DefineConstants文件来.csproj
  • or via the -p: option on the do.net build command line:或者通过do.net build命令行上的-p:选项:
dotnet build ProjectUsingMySourceGeneratorCode.csproj -p:MyProjectExtra=true

I checked the following types I have access to: IncrementalGeneratorInitializationContext , SourceProductionContext , Compilation but could not find anything.我检查了我有权访问的以下类型: IncrementalGeneratorInitializationContextSourceProductionContextCompilation但找不到任何内容。

As workaround I could add a custom attribute that developers can use to decorate the syntax elements they want to control, but this might require developers to add the attribute many classes/methods manually.作为解决方法,我可以添加一个自定义属性,开发人员可以使用该属性来装饰他们想要控制的语法元素,但这可能需要开发人员手动添加许多类/方法的属性。

Is there a way I can access either (or both) DefineConstants or command line -p: properties (or any other compile-time settings) inside the IncrementalGenerator workflow?有没有一种方法可以访问IncrementalGenerator工作流中的一个(或两个) DefineConstants或命令行-p: properties(或任何其他编译时设置)?

Thanks to comment from @caton7 I was able to find a way an initial solution using .editorconfig .感谢 @caton7 的评论,我能够找到一种使用.editorconfig的初始解决方案。 I think incremental generators might work slightly different than original source generators so I ended up doing something similar to https://github.com/do.net/roslyn/blob/main/docs/features/source-generators.cookbook.md#access-analyzer-config-properties .我认为增量生成器的工作方式可能与原始源生成器略有不同,所以我最终做了类似于https://github.com/do.net/roslyn/blob/main/docs/features/source-generators.cookbook.md#的操作访问分析器配置属性

My solution我的解决方案

.editorconfig .editorconfig

myvalue = foo


public class SourceGenerator : IIncrementalGenerator {
   public void Initialize(IncrementalGeneratorInitializationContext context)
       // Step 1. Identify the classes.
       var classDeclarations = context.SyntaxProvider.CreateSyntaxProvider(
                static (node, ct) => true /* Update with your code */,
                static (context, ct) => context.Node as ClassDeclarationSyntax /* Update with your code*/)

       // Step 2. Combine analyser, compilation and class declaration
       var analizerConfigOptionsCompilationAndClasses = context

       // Step 3. Register the source output to generate the code.
            static (context, settings) => Execute(context, settings.Left, settings.Right.Left, settings.Right.Right));

   private static Execute(SourceProductionContext context, AnalyzerConfigOptionsProvider analyzerConfigOptionsProvider, Compilation compilation, ImmutableArray<ClassDeclarationSyntax?> classDeclarationSyntaxes))
      // NOTE: Unsure why by analyzerConfigOptionsProvider.TryGetValue("myvalue", out var x) would never return the values I would be expecting.

      foreach (var classDeclarationSyntax in classDeclarationSyntaxes)
         if (classDeclarationSyntax is null)

         var options = analyzerConfigOptionsProvider.GetOptions(classDeclarationSyntax.SyntaxTree);
         options.TryGetValue("myvalue", out string? myvalue);
         /* myvalue should now be equal to the string foo as defined in .editorconfig */

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