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[英]How to prevent empty files being created

Can someone let me know to prevent the target file being created whenever the source is empty file in informatica power center.有人可以让我知道只要源是 informatica power center 中的空文件就可以防止创建目标文件。

It's not possible.这是不可能的。 The way PowerCenter works is it tries to make sure Soures and Targets are available yet before processing any data. PowerCenter 的工作方式是在处理任何数据之前尝试确保 Soures 和 Targets 可用。 So as part of the session initialization, it tries to open connections to Sources and Targets.因此,作为 session 初始化的一部分,它会尝试打开与源和目标的连接。 In case of target flat files an empty file is being created to confirm destination is available and appropriate access rights have been granted.如果是目标平面文件,则会创建一个空文件以确认目标可用并且已授予适当的访问权限。

Only after these steps PowerCenter starts to process the data.只有在这些步骤之后,PowerCenter 才开始处理数据。 There is a bunch of results / sideeffects:有很多结果/副作用:

  1. If there is no data at source, an empty file will be left on target location如果源没有数据,一个空文件将留在目标位置
  2. If file names are created dynamically, the initially created file with random name will be left empty in target location如果文件名是动态创建的,最初创建的随机名称的文件将在目标位置留空

The only remedy is to have a command that removes the empty files as part of the Post-session success command.唯一的补救措施是将删除空文件的命令作为会话后成功命令的一部分。

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