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Vue 3 按钮在 v-show 上跳跃

[英]Vue 3 button is jumping on v-show

Can anybody advice how can I fix this jumping button?有人可以建议我如何修复这个跳跃按钮吗?
I am using MaterializedCSS framework.我正在使用 MaterializedCSS 框架。


<h3 class="my-3">{{ name }}</h3>
    <hr />
    <transition name="fade"
      ><div v-show="isHidden">
        <span>Here I am</span>
      @click="isHidden = !isHidden"
      class="waves-effect waves-light btn my-8"
      Click Me

<style scoped>
.fade-leave-active {
  transition: opacity 0.5s;
.fade-leave-to {
  opacity: 0;

I am using v-show directive so the element exists in DOM, its just hidden before button is clicked.我正在使用 v-show 指令,因此该元素存在于 DOM 中,它只是在单击按钮之前隐藏。 As soon as button is clicked appeared texts moves button down.单击按钮后,出现的文本会将按钮向下移动。

You need to put the <transition> into a container with a fixed height.您需要将<transition>放入具有固定高度的容器中。

For example:例如:
<div style="height: 50px"><transition name="fade">...</transition></div>

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