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如何通过 python 语言中的 peewee 区分?

[英]How to make distinct via peewee in the python language?

I have a table in the sqlite with column "telegram_id" I want to get all unique records of this column我在 sqlite 中有一个表,其中包含“telegram_id”列我想获取此列的所有唯一记录

def get_all_telegram_ids():
    '''Returns all telegram_id from DB'''
    #rows = cursor.execute("SELECT DISTINCT telegram_id FROM locations").fetchall()
    rows = Locations.select(Locations.telegram_id).distinct()
    return rows

but this code does not work:-(但是这段代码不起作用:-(

Seems to be working fine:似乎工作正常:

import random
from peewee import *

db = SqliteDatabase(':memory:')

class Location(Model):
    telegram_id = IntegerField()
    class Meta:
        database = db


for i in range(100):
    Location.create(telegram_id=random.randint(1, 10))

q = Location.select(Location.telegram_id).distinct()
for l in q:

Prints 1-10 with some variation and no duplicates.打印 1-10 有一些变化,没有重复。

Alternative invocation that also works:也有效的替代调用:

q = Location.select(fn.DISTINCT(Location.telegram_id))
for l in q:

but this code does not work:-(但是这段代码不起作用:-(

Have you considered reading the documentation您是否考虑过阅读文档

By specifying a single value of True the query will use a simple SELECT DISTINCT .通过指定单个True值,查询将使用简单的SELECT DISTINCT Specifying one or more columns will result in a SELECT DISTINCT ON .指定一个或多个列将导致SELECT DISTINCT ON

So it doesn't seem like you can just call distinct() with no parameters, it's always at least select(True) .所以看起来你不能只调用不带参数的distinct() ,它总是至少select(True)

Also when asking questions about things not working, it's usually a good idea to explain the ways in which it is not working eg the error you get if there is one, or your expectations versus what you're observing.此外,当询问有关不工作的问题时,通常最好解释它不工作的方式,例如,如果有错误,你得到的错误,或者你的期望与你观察到的结果。

Even more so when you don't come close to providing a minimal reproducible example .更何况当你没有接近提供一个最小的可重现的例子时。

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