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import fs.default.cp Sync 不是 function

[英]import fs.default.cp Sync is not a function

Tried to install TurboRepo, but after selecting npm got this error.尝试安装 TurboRepo,但在选择 npm 后出现此错误。


>>> Welcome to Turborepo! Let's get you set up with a new codebase.

? Where would you like to create your turborepo? ./my-turborepo
? Which package manager do you want to use? npm

Aborting installation.
Unexpected error. Please report it as a bug:   
TypeError: import_fs.default.cpSync is not a function
    at run (C:\Users\singh.yogesh\AppData\Roaming\npm-cache\_npx\5504\node_modules\create-turbo\dist\index.js:338:21)
    at processTicksAndRejections (internal/process/task_queues.js:95:5)

if you upgrade to node version 16, this error won't appear.如果升级到节点版本 16,则不会出现此错误。

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