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是否可以在 .NET MAUI 中对布尔值使用“PropertyChanged”?

[英]Is it possible to use "PropertyChanged" on a bool in .NET MAUI?

I have been trying to detect it when these variables change, but I don't know how to do that since bools aren't supported by the "PropertyChanged" function. I also tried using the communityToolKit, but I have no idea how to use that.当这些变量发生变化时,我一直试图检测它,但我不知道该怎么做,因为“PropertyChanged”function 不支持布尔值。我也尝试使用 communityToolKit,但我不知道如何使用那。 I want it to call the function "IconUpdater"我希望它调用 function“IconUpdater”

public class Status : INotifyPropertyChanged
    public static bool isWorking { get; set; } = Preferences.Get("IsWorking", true);
    public static bool isPaused { get; set; } = Preferences.Get("IsPaused", false);

    public static void IconUpdater()
       // The function I want to call \\
    public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;

You can use PropertyChanged event to notify the changes of IsEnabled property in your viewmodel.您可以使用PropertyChanged事件通知视图模型中IsEnabled属性的更改 Here's the code snippet below for your reference:以下是供您参考的代码片段:

    public class MainPageViewModel : INotifyPropertyChanged 
        public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;

        private bool _isWorking;

        public bool IsEnabled
                return _isWorking;

                if(_isWorking != value)
                    _isWorking = value;
                    var args = new PropertyChangedEventArgs(nameof(IsEnabled));
                    PropertyChanged?.Invoke(this, args);


I recommend using the Community Toolkit MVVM package:https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/do.net/communitytoolkit/mvvm/我推荐使用社区工具包 MVVM package:https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/do.net/communitytoolkit/mvvm/

You can then simply do the following to use the INotifyPropertyChanged interface:然后,您只需执行以下操作即可使用 INotifyPropertyChanged 接口:

using CommunityToolkit.Mvvm;

public class MyViewModel : ObservableObject
    private bool _myBool;
    public bool MyBool
        get => _myBool;
        set => SetProperty(ref _myBool, value); 

You can also modify the code in such a way that you directly call any other method from within the setter:您还可以修改代码,以便直接从 setter 中调用任何其他方法:

private bool _myBool;
public bool MyBool
    get => _myBool;
        SetProperty(ref _myBool, value); 

Please mind that your class is using static properties.请注意,您的 class 正在使用 static 属性。 You cannot use INotifyPropertyChanged for that.您不能为此使用INotifyPropertyChanged

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