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python chess board.attackers如何使用

[英]python chess board.attackers how to use

I'm playing around with some python chess code, its for fun.我正在玩一些 python 国际象棋代码,只是为了好玩。
However i have difficulty in using the board.attackers function.但是我很难使用 board.attackers function。
I'm not sure what it accepts我不确定它接受什么
This code below makes use of the chess lib described here:下面的代码使用了此处描述的国际象棋库:
http://python-chess.readthedocs.io/en/latest/core.html http://python-chess.readthedocs.io/en/latest/core.html

in the docs example code exists where they put in chess.F3 though i need some conversion from move to chess.xx i guess?.在文档中,示例代码存在于他们放入 chess.F3 的位置,尽管我猜我需要从 move 到 chess.xx 的一些转换?

def staticAnalysis(board, move, my_color):
  score = random.random()
  for (piece, value) in [(chess.PAWN, 1), 
                       (chess.BISHOP, 4), 
                       (chess.KING, 0), 
                       (chess.QUEEN, 10), 
                       (chess.KNIGHT, 5),
                       (chess.ROOK, 3)]:
    score += len(board.pieces(piece, my_color)) * value
    score -= len(board.pieces(piece, not my_color)) * value
  score += 100 if board.is_checkmate() else 0
  score += 10 if board.is_capture(move)  else 0

  # to get proposed destination of the move, removes piece, thus Ph1 becomes h1
  square =  str(move)[-2:]  

  # but its not accepted ?.. what can be used to do achieve this ?.
  myAttackers = board.attackers(not my_color,  square)
  score +=len(attackers)*-2

return score

For us to have a better idea, you should define your functions and variables.为了让我们有更好的想法,您应该定义您的函数和变量。 A bit of googling found the docs here: https://python-chess.readthedocs.io/en/latest/一些谷歌搜索在这里找到了文档: https://python-chess.readthedocs.io/en/latest/

Based on this snippet in the docs attackers = board.attackers(chess.WHITE, chess.F3) , it looks like you need to pass the color and square not as a string but as the chess.根据文档attackers = board.attackers(chess.WHITE, chess.F3)中的这个片段,看起来您需要传递颜色和正方形而不是作为字符串,而是作为chess. function. function。

Ok its more simple then i thought..好的,它比我想的更简单..

print ((ord("B")-ord("A"))+(2-1)*8)

There are built-in methods that take care of converting between a square's str name and int value already:已经有内置方法负责在正方形的str名称和int值之间进行转换:

>>> chess.square_name(21)
>>> chess.parse_square('f3')

However, your solution using ord() is technically more efficient as it runs in O(1) whereas chess.parse_square calls SQUARES.index(...) and runs in O(n).但是,您使用ord()的解决方案在技术上更高效,因为它在 O(1) 中运行,而chess.parse_square调用SQUARES.index(...)并在 O(n) 中运行。 But no need to reinvent the wheel here.但无需在这里重新发明轮子。

For more context, chess.Square is simply an alias for a Python int .有关更多上下文, chess.Square只是 Python int的别名。 Here is the actual source code where it's defined:这是定义它的实际源代码

Square = int
    A1, B1, C1, D1, E1, F1, G1, H1,
    A2, B2, C2, D2, E2, F2, G2, H2,
    A3, B3, C3, D3, E3, F3, G3, H3,
    A4, B4, C4, D4, E4, F4, G4, H4,
    A5, B5, C5, D5, E5, F5, G5, H5,
    A6, B6, C6, D6, E6, F6, G6, H6,
    A7, B7, C7, D7, E7, F7, G7, H7,
    A8, B8, C8, D8, E8, F8, G8, H8,
] = range(64)

This is shorthand for chess.A1 = 0 , chess.B1 = 1 , ... , chess.H8 = 63 .这是chess.A1 = 0 , chess.B1 = 1 , ... , chess.H8 = 63的简写。

In your code, you are providing attackers() with a string (because you define square = str(move)[-2:] ), not a chess.Square (an int ), which is causing your error.在您的代码中,您为attackers()提供了一个字符串(因为您定义了square = str(move)[-2:] ),而不是chess.Square (一个int ),这会导致您的错误。

You can replace the line where you define square with this, so its type is actually chess.Square (here I know the type of move is chess.Move since you use board.push(move) earlier):你可以用这个替换你定义square的那一行,所以它的类型实际上是chess.Square (这里我知道move的类型是chess.Move因为你之前使用board.push(move) ):

square = move.to_square  # a ``chess.Square``

On a side note, I noticed your piece values look a bit off.附带一提,我注意到你的单品价值看起来有点偏差。 Maybe you wanted them like this:也许你希望他们这样:

[(chess.PAWN, 1),
(chess.BISHOP, 3),
(chess.KING, 0),
(chess.QUEEN, 9),
(chess.KNIGHT, 3),
(chess.ROOK, 5)]

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