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SSRS 如何防止我的报告在运行报告时在百分比符号前添加反斜杠 \?

[英]SSRS How can I prevent my report adding backslashes \ in front of a percentage % sign when my report is run?

I've created a report in which I have several text boxes inserted, with static text added to them.我创建了一个报告,其中插入了几个文本框,并向其中添加了 static 文本。 Some of these text strings contain a percentage % sign.其中一些文本字符串包含百分号 %。

When running the preview, the text renders correctly, but when I run the report in a live situation, the strings get altered and backslash \ is inserted after every % sign.运行预览时,文本呈现正确,但当我在实时情况下运行报告时,字符串会发生变化,并且在每个 % 符号后插入反斜杠 \。

How can I prevent the report from doing this?我怎样才能防止报告这样做?

The preview in SSRS works perfectly. SSRS 中的预览效果很好。 It's only when the report is deployed that the backslashes appear.只有在部署报表时才会出现反斜杠。 The deployment is within a custom report viewer built into a client website and the author of the report viewer has updated it to scan for and remove the unwanted backslashes - I wasn't aware this could be done.部署在客户网站内置的自定义报告查看器中,报告查看器的作者已将其更新为扫描并删除不需要的反斜杠 - 我不知道可以这样做。 This has fixed the problem.这已经解决了问题。

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