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[英]How to change react native paper bottom navigation active color?

I want to change the color of react-native-paper naviagation.我想更改 react-native-paper 导航的颜色。 How can i change the color.我怎样才能改变颜色。 I am able to change the color of background but not able to change the color of active tab round button.我可以更改背景颜色但无法更改活动选项卡圆形按钮的颜色。

Image Link = https://i.imgur.com/1C9FRMe.png图片链接 = https://i.imgur.com/1C9FRMe.png

I Want to change pink to blue how can I change.我想把粉红色变成蓝色,我该如何改变。

import * as React from 'react';
import { BottomNavigation} from 'react-native-paper';
import { createBottomTabNavigator } from '@react-navigation/bottom-tabs';

const Tab = createBottomTabNavigator();

const HomePage =({route,navigation})  => {
    const [index, setIndex] = React.useState(0);
    const [routes] = React.useState([
        { key: 'home', title: 'Home', focusedIcon: 'home', unfocusedIcon : 'home-outline',  },
        { key: 'orderHistory', title: 'Order History', focusedIcon: 'clock', unfocusedIcon: 'clock-outline' },
        { key: 'profile', title: 'Profile', focusedIcon: 'account', unfocusedIcon : 'account-outline'},
        { key: 'other', title: 'Other', focusedIcon: 'dots-horizontal-circle', unfocusedIcon: 'dots-horizontal-circle-outline' },
    const renderScene = BottomNavigation.SceneMap({
        profile: ProfileBase,
        home: HomeBase,
        orderHistory: OrderHistoryBase,
        other: OtherBase,

    return (
        <View style={{backgroundColor: "white", height: '100%'}}>
                navigationState={{ index, routes }}

export default HomePage;

// activeColor="red"
// barStyle={{ backgroundColor: '#1fa9e8'  }}

In react native paper theme object just change secondaryContainer color在 React Native Paper 主题 object 中,只需更改secondaryContainer颜色

const theme = {
  colors: {
    primary: "#3498db",
    secondary: "#f1c40f",
    secondaryContainer: "red",

you have to override the secondaryContainer color, locally in the component via theme prop: https://github.com/callstack/react-native-paper/issues/3248您必须通过主题道具在组件中本地覆盖 secondaryContainer 颜色: https://github.com/callstack/react-native-paper/issues/3248

      theme={{colors: {secondaryContainer: 'yellow'}}}

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