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如何在 Drupal 9 中以编程方式添加快捷链接?

[英]How to add a shortcut link programmatically in Drupal 9?

Trying to add some shortcut link I get this error尝试添加一些快捷链接我收到此错误

Fatal error: InvalidArgumentException: The URI '' is invalid.致命错误:InvalidArgumentException:URI“”无效。 You must use a valid URI scheme.您必须使用有效的 URI 方案。 in../core/lib/Drupal/Core/Url.php:293在../core/lib/Drupal/Core/Url.php:293

use Drupal\shortcut\Entity\Shortcut;
$taxo_shorcut = Shortcut::create([
    'shortcut_set' =>'default',
    'title' =>  'Test',
    'link' =>  'admin/structure/taxonomy',

Any help?有什么帮助吗?

Build the URI structure correctly with a uri key value using the internal: scheme:使用internal:方案使用uri键值正确构建 URI 结构:

$taxo_shorcut = Shortcut::create([
  'shortcut_set' => 'default',
  'title' => 'Test',
  'link' => [
    'uri' => 'internal:/admin/structure/taxonomy',

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