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如何在 AWS Elasticache Redis 上禁用集群模式

[英]How to disable cluster mode on a AWS Elasticache Redis

I have an AWS Elasticache with Cluster Mode enabled.我有一个启用了集群模式的 AWS Elasticache。 Ideally, I just want to "turn off" cluster mode.理想情况下,我只想“关闭”集群模式。 How can I do this?我怎样才能做到这一点? Additionally, it is desirable to retain the data I currently have.此外,希望保留我当前拥有的数据。

I have already tried:我已经尝试过:

  1. Update the Parameter group from default.redis6.x.cluster.on to default.redis6.x , but it gives the error: The parameter cluster-enabled has a different value in the requested parameter group than the current parameter group. This parameter value cannot be changed for a cache cluster.Parameter groupdefault.redis6.x.cluster.on更新为default.redis6.x ,但它给出了错误: The parameter cluster-enabled has a different value in the requested parameter group than the current parameter group. This parameter value cannot be changed for a cache cluster. The parameter cluster-enabled has a different value in the requested parameter group than the current parameter group. This parameter value cannot be changed for a cache cluster.
  2. Backing up the cluster, creating a new instance with cluster mode off, from the backup - Could not accomplish that, when I try to restore from backup, I don't have the option to create with cluster mode disabled.备份集群,创建集群模式关闭的新实例,从备份 - 无法完成,当我尝试从备份恢复时,我没有选择在禁用集群模式的情况下创建。 My guess is that not all commands from cluster mode are available on Redis instance, and the backups are not compatible.我的猜测是,并非集群模式下的所有命令都可以在 Redis 实例上使用,并且备份不兼容。 From the documentation : You can't seed a Redis (cluster mode disabled) cluster from an.rdb file created from a Redis (cluster mode enabled) cluster. 从文档中:您不能从 Redis(已启用集群模式)集群创建的 .rdb 文件播种 Redis(已禁用集群模式)集群。

Is there a way to "convert" an Redis cluster arrangement into a Redis with cluster mode disabled?有没有办法将 Redis 集群排列“转换”为禁用集群模式的 Redis?

PS: In this other question Enable cluster mode on AWS ElastiCache Redis cluster , the only answer talk about backup and restore, which I tried and didn't work. PS:在另一个问题Enable cluster mode on AWS ElastiCache Redis cluster中,唯一的答案是关于备份和恢复,我试过但没有用。 Besides, I want the opposite, to disable cluster mode.此外,我想要相反的,禁用集群模式。

There is no way to do this using the built-in mechanisms of ElastiCache.使用 ElastiCache 的内置机制无法做到这一点。 You should consider https://developer.redis.com/riot/riot-redis/ which has the capability to copy data between two different clusters.您应该考虑https://developer.redis.com/riot/riot-redis/ ,它具有在两个不同集群之间复制数据的能力。 I think it will do exactly what you need.我认为它会完全满足您的需求。

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