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无法使用 Journal 3 主题

[英]Can't use the Journal 3 theme

I have the following set up on my server:我在我的服务器上进行了以下设置:

  • PHP Version: 8.1.11 PHP 版本:8.1.11
  • Opencart: Version Opencart:版本
  • Journal 3: 3.2.0-rc.45日志 3:3.2.0-rc.45

The setting above works great, all is running.上面的设置效果很好,一切都在运行。 But: when I want to activate Journal 3 under the OC admin panel "System / Settings / Edit Store / Theme -> Journal Theme" and want to save it, I get the following error message:但是:当我想在 OC 管理面板“System / Settings / Edit Store / Theme -> Journal Theme”下激活 Journal 3 并想保存它时,我收到以下错误消息:

Warning: Please check the form carefully for errors!警告:请仔细检查表格是否有错误!

Anybody know how to solve this problem?有人知道如何解决这个问题吗? Because the Journal support told me, that this problem is not Journal related, it has to be OC that occurs the problem.因为 Journal 支持人员告诉我,这个问题与 Journal 无关,它必须是 OC 出现的问题。

Thanks in advance!提前致谢!

To solve the issue, go to the last tab (server) It probably says that there's an error with the max upload size as it defaults to 30000 or something.要解决此问题,请转到最后一个选项卡(服务器)。它可能表示最大上传大小存在错误,因为它默认为 30000 或其他。 I had the same issue after upgrading.升级后我遇到了同样的问题。 The previous version had this value in bytes (30000 bytes) but now it expects MegaBytes so 30000MB is a bit much.以前的版本以字节(30000 字节)为单位有这个值,但现在它期望 MegaBytes 所以 30000MB 有点多。

After changing it to 10 or whatever you like, it should work!将其更改为 10 或任何你喜欢的值后,它应该可以工作了!

The store admin is a part of default Opencart, not related to the Journal, they just link to it.商店管理员是默认 Opencart 的一部分,与 Journal 无关,他们只是链接到它。

The error can be listed in another tab which is not currently active.该错误可以列在当前未激活的另一个选项卡中。 There are some required fields that cannot be left empty.有一些必填字段不能留空。

So you just need to click on all other tabs to check if there are any errors highlighted in red there after you submitted the form.因此,您只需单击所有其他选项卡,检查提交表单后是否有任何以红色突出显示的错误。 Most likely it's some missing value in the Store tab.很可能它是商店选项卡中的一些缺失值。 Like email or telephone empty.比如email或者电话空着。

you should fiell all fild in this page.check all field您应该填写此页面中的所有字段。检查所有字段

I noticed you're using the Beta version.我注意到您使用的是测试版。 Have you tried installing their new updated beta?您是否尝试安装他们新的更新测试版?

Journal v.3.2.0-rc.53日记 v.3.2.0-rc.53

声明:本站的技术帖子网页,遵循CC BY-SA 4.0协议,如果您需要转载,请注明本站网址或者原文地址。任何问题请咨询:yoyou2525@163.com.

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