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MAUI 如何在 Android 应用程序中使用 KeyEvent.Callback

[英]MAUI How to use KeyEvent.Callback in an Android app

The application is written for the data collection terminal (android).该应用程序是为数据采集终端(android)编写的。 It has a physical keyboard.它有一个物理键盘。 Can you tell me how to intercept keyboard clicks if there is no text field on the form?如果表单上没有文本字段,你能告诉我如何拦截键盘点击吗?

The OnKeyListener Class can be used to deal with the input from the physical keyboard: OnKeyListener Class 可以用来处理物理键盘的输入:

 public class MyListener : Java.Lang.Object, Android.Views.View.IOnKeyListener
    public bool OnKey(Android.Views.View v, [GeneratedEnum] Keycode keyCode, KeyEvent e)
         return true;// true will intercept keyboard clicks

And add the listener to the entry when there is no text field on the form:并在表单上没有文本字段时将侦听器添加到条目:

private void entry_Focused(object sender, FocusEventArgs e)
    Entry entry = (Entry)sender;
    (entry.Handler.PlatformView as AppCompatEditText).SetOnKeyListener(new MyListener());

And when the form has text, remove the listener:当表单有文本时,移除监听器:

Entry entry = (Entry)sender;
    (entry.Handler.PlatformView as AppCompatEditText).SetOnKeyListener(null);

A solution that I have found is this:我找到的解决方案是这样的:

  1. Define an interface to implement in your pages that you want to "react" to physical keyboard keys (optional - it is used to differentiate pages that you want to react to keys from pages that is not necessary to).定义一个界面以在您想要对物理键盘键“做出反应”的页面中实现(可选 - 它用于区分您想要对键做出反应的页面与不需要的页面)。 A sample:一个样品:

     #if ANDROID using Android.Views; #endif namespace KeyboardTest { public interface IOnPageKeyDown { #if ANDROID /// <summary> /// Called when a key is pressed. /// </summary> /// <param name="keyCode">The code of pressed key.</param> /// <param name="e">Description of the key event.</param> /// <returns> /// Return true to prevent this event from being propagated further, /// or false to indicate that you have not handled this event and it should continue to be propagated. /// </returns> public bool OnPageKeyDown(Keycode keyCode, KeyEvent e); #endif } }
  2. Implement this interface to every page you want to react to keys.将此接口实现到您想要对键做出反应的每个页面。 Sample:样本:

     #if ANDROID using Android.Views; #endif // Your code here namespace KeyboardTest { public partial class TestPage: ContentPage, IOnPageKeyDown { #if ANDROID public bool OnPageKeyDown(Keycode keyCode, KeyEvent e) { switch (keyCode) { case Keycode.DpadUp: // Your code here return true; case Keycode.DpadDown: // Your code here return true; case Keycode.Enter: // Your code here return true; default: return false; } } #endif } }
  3. Override "OnKeyDown" in Platforms/Android/MainActivity.cs.覆盖 Platforms/Android/MainActivity.cs 中的“OnKeyDown”。 Sample:样本:

     using Android.App; using Android.Content.PM; using Android.OS; using Android.Runtime; using Android.Views; using AndroidX.Core.View; namespace KeyboardTest; // Your code here public class MainActivity: MauiAppCompatActivity { // Your code here public override bool OnKeyDown([GeneratedEnum] Keycode keyCode, KeyEvent e) { Page p = Shell.Current.CurrentPage; if (p is IOnPageKeyDown) { bool handled = (p as IOnPageKeyDown).OnPageKeyDown(keyCode, e); if (handled) return true; else return base.OnKeyDown(keyCode, e); } else return base.OnKeyDown(keyCode, e); } }

I hope that helps.我希望这有帮助。

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