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Xcode 模拟器 14.0 未删除/删除应用程序

[英]Xcode Simulator 14.0 not deleting/ removing app

I have recently updated 14.0 version of Xcode and simulator.我最近更新了14.0版本的Xcode和模拟器。 I am facing a strange issue that app is not removing from the simulator.我面临一个奇怪的问题,应用程序没有从模拟器中删除。 Before this update it's working perfect but after updated its showing this behaviour.在此更新之前,它工作完美,但更新后显示此行为。 Have a look a below, I have tried with both Remove app and Edit Home screen option.看看下面,我已经尝试过删除应用程序编辑主屏幕选项。 Both of them did't work for me.他们两个都不适合我。 I have also tried to delete app from App library it also did't work.我也试过从应用程序库中删除应用程序,它也没有用。


So, I just ran into this weird issue as well, but I found that it wasn't consistent.所以,我也遇到了这个奇怪的问题,但我发现它并不一致。 Sometimes I could actually delete the app and sometimes I couldn't.有时我实际上可以删除该应用程序,有时我不能。

I think I figured out how to delete it every time:我想我每次都想出如何删除它:

  • When the app is running, go into Xcode and press "Stop" ( CMD + . )应用程序运行时,将 go 转换为 Xcode 并按“停止”( CMD + . )
  • Now delete the app from the simulator现在从模拟器中删除应用程序

It's a work-around, but it doesn't look like Apple wants to fix this issue or maybe it was never reported to them, I don't know, but this seems to be working for me at least.这是一个解决方法,但看起来 Apple 不想解决这个问题,或者可能从未向他们报告过,我不知道,但这似乎至少对我有用。

I'm running macOS Ventura 13.1, Xcode 14.2 and an iPhone 14 (iOS 16.2) simulator, so basically the newest versions and it's still present.我正在运行 macOS Ventura 13.1、Xcode 14.2 和 iPhone 14 (iOS 16.2) 模拟器,所以基本上是最新版本并且它仍然存在。

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