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Annotate Min/Max/Median in Matplotlib 小提琴 Plot

[英]Annotate Min/Max/Median in Matplotlib Violin Plot

Given this example code:鉴于此示例代码:

import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

data = 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/marsja/jupyter/master/flanks.csv'

df = pd.read_csv(data, index_col=0)

# Subsetting using Pandas query():
congruent = df.query('TrialType == "congruent"')['RT']
incongruent = df.query('TrialType == "incongruent"')['RT']

# Combine data
plot_data = list([incongruent, congruent])

fig, ax = plt.subplots()

xticklabels = ['Incongruent', 'Congruent']
ax.set_xticks([1, 2])

ax.violinplot(plot_data, showmedians=True)

Which results in the following plot:结果如下 plot:


How can I annotate the min, max, and mean lines with their respective values?如何用各自的值注释最小值、最大值和平均值线?

I haven't been able to find examples online that allude to how to annotate violin plots in this way.我无法在网上找到暗示如何以这种方式注释小提琴图的示例。 If we set plot = ax.violinplot(plot_data, showmedians=True) then we can access attributes like plot['cmaxes'] but I cant quite figure out how to use that for annotations.如果我们设置plot = ax.violinplot(plot_data, showmedians=True)那么我们可以访问plot['cmaxes']类的属性,但我不太清楚如何将其用于注释。

Here is an example of what I am trying to achieve:这是我要实现的目标的示例:


So this was as easy as getting the medians/mins/maxes and then enumerating, adding the annotation with plt.text , and adding some small values for positioning:所以这就像获取中位数/最小值/最大值然后枚举一样简单,添加带有plt.text的注释,并添加一些用于定位的小值:

medians = results_df.groupby(['model_cat'])['test_f1'].median()

for i, v in enumerate(medians):
    plt.text((i+.85), (v+.001), str(round(v, 3)), fontsize = 12)

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