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[英]forge connector in power automate

when i try to connect with the forge connector in power automate, it sayes no items in the folder (bim 360).当我尝试连接 Power Automate 中的 Forge 连接器时,它说文件夹中没有项目 (bim 360)。

[:[enter image description here](https: [:[在此处输入图片描述](https: 在此处输入图像描述 //i.stack.imgur.com/1V1Qg.png)]( https://i.stack.imgur.com/1V1Qg.png ) //i.stack.imgur.com/1V1Qg.png)]( https://i.stack.imgur.com/1V1Qg.png )

i expect contact wit bim 360我希望与 bim 360 联系

Here are two possible missing steps in your setup.以下是您的设置中可能缺少的两个步骤。 Please check that on your ACC account and project.请检查您的 ACC 帐户和项目。

  1. Go to account admin to enable the Power Automate App. Go 到帐户管理员以启用 Power Automate 应用程序。 https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/connectors/autodeskforgedataexc/#how-to-get-credentials https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/connectors/autodeskforgedataexc/#how-to-get-credentials
  2. Open your Revit model on your acc Project, select either view in the model, create an Exchange and save it to your Sentralfil folder.打开你的 Revit model 在你的 acc 项目上,select 或者在 model 中查看,创建一个 Exchange 并将它保存到你的 Sentralfil 文件夹中。 See https://youtu.be/VNzmxkMze48?t=45https://youtu.be/VNzmxkMze48?t=45

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