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如何在我的 Docker 图像或容器中包含 VTK 模块?

[英]How can I include VTK module in my Docker image or container?

I'm using an image downloaded from docker hub.我正在使用从 docker 集线器下载的图像。 I want to use code from https://github.com/maudzung/Complex-YOLOv4-Pytorch我想使用来自https://github.com/maudzung/Complex-YOLOv4-Pytorch的代码

In my environment, to activate the code, it is necessary to install VTK and PyQT5 (for installing mayavi in link) in my container.在我的环境中,要激活代码,需要在我的容器中安装 VTK 和 PyQT5(用于在链接中安装 mayavi)。

Here, In my knowledge, I need to modify my image file and rerun it!在这里,据我所知,我需要修改我的图像文件并重新运行它!

Can you give me advice on how to modify my image file to include above requirements?您能否就如何修改我的图像文件以包含上述要求给我建议?

I tried to "pip" module but there is no solution.我尝试“pip”模块,但没有解决方案。

Don't understand the question.不明白这个问题。 The Complex-YOLOv4-Pytorch do not require VTK , PyQt5 : Complex-YOLOv4-Pytorch不需要VTKPyQt5

https://github.com/maudzung/Complex-YOLOv4-Pytorch/blob/2f32996fc4d8942a156545596f76bbc267d5cd8e/requirements.txt#L1-L8 https://github.com/maudzung/Complex-YOLOv4-Pytorch/blob/2f32996fc4d8942a156545596f76bbc267d5cd8e/requirements.txt#L1-L8

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