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我如何避免 SAM 构建安装 devDependencies

[英]How do i avoid SAM build installing devDependencies

my current folder structure is as attached file.我当前的文件夹结构如附件所示。 it's a nodejs application and we use SAM to deploy in AWS.它是一个 nodejs 应用程序,我们使用 SAM 在 AWS 中部署。 each folder is a separate lambda function and it has devDependencies in package.json which really does not need to be bundled during SAM build.每个文件夹都是一个单独的 lambda function 并且它在 package.json 中有 devDependencies,在 SAM 构建期间确实不需要捆绑。 but as I understand the default behaviour of "sam build" is to install devDependencies as well.但据我了解,“sam build”的默认行为也是安装 devDependencies。 In my case this devDependcies are in the private repository so i need.npmrc file in each folder to make "sam build" command work.在我的例子中,这个 devDependcies 在私有存储库中,所以我需要每个文件夹中的 .npmrc 文件来使“sam build”命令工作。 but i really dont need these devDependencies as we use layers and all dependencies are stored in layers in my serverless application.但我真的不需要这些 devDependencies,因为我们使用层,所有依赖项都存储在我的无服务器应用程序的层中。 How do i make aws build ignore my dev dependencies?我如何让 aws build 忽略我的开发依赖? [1]: https://i.stack.imgur.com/91qd2.png [1]: https://i.stack.imgur.com/91qd2.png

What version of SAM are you using?您使用的是什么版本的 SAM? It used to be a bug with esbuild in older version of SAM, but should be fixed as of 1.56.0 : https://github.com/aws/aws-sam-cli/issues/4040它曾经是旧版本 SAM 中esbuild的一个错误,但应该从1.56.0https://github.com/aws/aws-sam-cli/issues/4040


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