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如何在 Microsoft Store 中获取唯一用户 ID API

[英]How to get a unique userid in Microsoft Store API

I use the Microsoft Store API (henceforth "API) for enable user for in-app purchases (Addons).我使用 Microsoft Store API(以下简称“API”)让用户能够进行应用内购买(插件)。

For example...例如...

public StoreContext storeContext = StoreContext.GetDefault();

...etc... ...ETC...

I have two questions:我有两个问题:

  1. Is there an API that lets us identify the unique user;是否有 API 让我们识别唯一用户? preferably the email id or GUID used by the Store to uniquely identify the user?最好是商店使用的 email id 或 GUID 来唯一标识用户?

  2. The API allows determination of user's currently owned Addons. API 允许确定用户当前拥有的插件。 Is there a way to determine a users past history of Addon ownership?有没有办法确定用户过去的 Addon 所有权历史记录

I have found GetUserCollectionAsync() but it only reflects user's current active purchased Addons.我找到GetUserCollectionAsync()但它只反映了用户当前购买的活跃插件。 Expired Addons do not appear in this list.过期的插件不会出现在这个列表中。

Thank you for your advice.感谢您的意见。

Is there an API that lets us identify the unique user;是否有 API 让我们识别唯一用户? preferably the email id or GUID used by the Store to uniquely identify the user?最好是商店使用的 email id 或 GUID 来唯一标识用户?

No, UWP doesn't have APIs to do this.不,UWP 没有执行此操作的 API。

The API allows determination of user's currently owned Addons. API 允许确定用户当前拥有的插件。 Is there a way to determine a users past history of Addon ownership?有没有办法确定用户过去的 Addon 所有权历史记录?

No, the StoreContext class does not provide methods that could check user history of addons.不, StoreContext class不提供可以检查插件用户历史记录的方法。

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