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workbench.startupEditor 在代码空间上被忽略

[英]workbench.startupEditor ignored on codespaces

On this project , I configured .vscode/settings.json with "workbench.startupEditor": "welcomePage" .这个项目中,我用"workbench.startupEditor": "welcomePage"配置.vscode/settings.json

I created a welcome.md file in the project root.我在项目根目录中创建了一个 welcome.md 文件。

But when I open this project in codespaces, I see the readme , not the welcome page.但是当我在代码空间中打开这个项目时,我看到的是readme文件,而不是welcome页面。

First of all, this settings seems to have no effect at all in Codespaces.首先,这个设置似乎在 Codespaces 中根本没有作用。 Codespaces ALLWAYS opens a readme if available. Codespaces ALLWAYS 打开自述文件(如果可用)。

Second, if it worked as specified, it would not do what you think it should.其次,如果它按规定工作,它不会按照您认为应该的方式工作。

This setting is not meant to open an arbitrary file of your own except a readme.此设置并不意味着打开您自己的任意文件(自述文件除外)。 Accepted Values are only none , welcomePage , readme , newUntitledFile and welcomePageInEmptyWorkbench .接受的值只有nonewelcomePagereadmenewUntitledFilewelcomePageInEmptyWorkbench

And it's only meant to show the specified Editor if there is no other editor window to be restored from the last session.如果没有其他编辑器 window 从最后一个 session 恢复,它只是为了显示指定的编辑器。

Readme is the only selection to show an Editor with content of your own.自述文件是唯一可以显示包含您自己的内容的编辑器的选择。 welcomePage will NOT show any file named "welcome" by yourself but the Visual Studio Welcome Page, which is the one that you get by selecting [Help][Get Started] from the menu. welcomePage 不会显示您自己命名为“welcome”的任何文件,而是显示 Visual Studio 欢迎页面,您可以通过从菜单中选择[Help][Get Started]获得该页面。

声明:本站的技术帖子网页,遵循CC BY-SA 4.0协议,如果您需要转载,请注明本站网址或者原文地址。任何问题请咨询:yoyou2525@163.com.

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