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如何使用 Python 更新 Cosmos 表 API 中实体的属性

[英]How to update a property in an Entity in Cosmos table API using Python

I have the below table in CosmosDB.我在 CosmosDB 中有下表。

PartitionKey  Rowkey  Group  Salary
John          HR      A      100000
Mark          DOC     B      200000

I want to update the Salary property in the first entity.我想更新第一个实体中的 Salary 属性。 When I tried to update the salary property in the first entity, the complete entity is being replaced instead of updating the salary property.当我尝试更新第一个实体中的 salary 属性时,整个实体被替换而不是更新 salary 属性。

Could someone let me know how to update an property in a entity in CosmosDB table API.谁能告诉我如何更新 CosmosDB 表 API 中实体的属性。

from azure.data.tables import TableServiceClient
from datetime import datetime

my_entity = {
   "PartitionKey" : "John",
    "RowKey" : "HR",
    "Group": "A",
    "Salary": 100000
table_service_client = TableServiceClient.from_connection_string(conn_str="")
table_client = table_service_client.get_table_client(table_name="my_table")

entity = table_client.create_entity(entity=my_entity)

created = table.get_entity(partition_key=my_entity["PartitionKey"], row_key=my_entity["RowKey"])
created["Salary"] = "200"
table.update_entity(mode=UpdateMode.REPLACE, entity=created)

Please try by changing the following lines of code:请尝试更改以下代码行:

created = table.get_entity(partition_key=my_entity["PartitionKey"], row_key=my_entity["RowKey"])
created["Salary"] = "200"
table.update_entity(mode=UpdateMode.REPLACE, entity=created)


created = table_client.get_entity(partition_key=my_entity["PartitionKey"], row_key=my_entity["RowKey"])
created["Salary"] = "200"
table_client.update_entity(mode=UpdateMode.MERGE, entity=created)

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