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有什么方法可以将规则应用于 EWS 的历史电子邮件

[英]Is there any way apply the rules to history emails with EWS

Is there any way apply the rules to history emails with EWS?有什么方法可以将规则应用于 EWS 的历史电子邮件? When calling UpdateInboxRules (Create Rule) ,I want the rule to take effect immediately.调用UpdateInboxRules (Create Rule)时,我希望规则立即生效。

No you can't retrospectively apply a Rule using EWS (Like you can in Outlook) if you want to do that you need to create you own code to enumerate the messages and apply whatever logic is in the rule to messages.不,您不能使用 EWS 追溯应用规则(就像在 Outlook 中一样),如果您想要这样做,您需要创建自己的代码来枚举消息并将规则中的任何逻辑应用于消息。

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