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通过 SAP CDC 连接器连接到 SAP SLT 时 Synapse 数据流出错

[英]Error in Synapse dataflow while connecting to SAP SLT via SAP CDC Connector

I have the following Setup:我有以下设置:

SAP ECC -> SAP LT (SLT) -> SAP CDC Connector (ODP) -> Azure Synapse/Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 (parquet) SAP ECC -> SAP LT (SLT) -> SAP CDC 连接器 (ODP) -> Azure Synapse/Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 (parquet)

The connection via the SAP CDC connector is working, I see all available tables and when I choose one table, the meta data can be loaded to Azure (data preview is not supported with SLT).通过 SAP CDC 连接器的连接正在运行,我看到所有可用的表,当我选择一个表时,元数据可以加载到 Azure(SLT 不支持数据预览)。

On SLT side the request looks also good - no errors.在 SLT 端,请求看起来也不错——没有错误。 It starts the initial load and shows also the number of records.它启动初始加载并显示记录数。

But I am getting the error message below after a couple of minutes when I debug the dataflow in Azure Synapse to load the data:但是,当我在 Azure Synapse 中调试数据流以加载数据时,几分钟后我收到以下错误消息:

Operation on target TARGETNAME failed: {"StatusCode":"DF-SAPODP-ExecuteFuncModuleWithPointerFailed","Message":"Job failed due to reason: at Source 'KNA1': Error Message: DF-SAPODP-012 - SapOdp copy activity failure with run id: c194054d-876f-4684-8105-9e038ca3b7e1, error code: 2200 and error message: Failure happened on 'Source' side. ErrorCode=SapOdpOperationFailed,'Type=Microsoft.DataTransfer.Common.Shared.HybridDeliveryException,Message=Sap Odp operation 'Execute function module RODPS_REPL_ODP_FETCH with pointer 20221107095340.000094000, package id 20221107095436.000183000' failed. Error Number: '404', error message: 'DataSource QUEUENAME~KNA1 does not exist in version A',Source=Microsoft.DataTransfer.Runtime.SapRfcHelper,'","Details":""}对目标 TARGETNAME 的操作失败:{"StatusCode":"DF-SAPODP-ExecuteFuncModuleWithPointerFailed","Message":"Job failed due to reason: at Source 'KNA1': Error Message: DF-SAPODP-012 - SapOdp copy activity failure with运行 ID:c194054d-876f-4684-8105-9e038ca3b7e1,错误代码:2200 和错误消息:“源”端发生故障。ErrorCode=SapOdpOperationFailed,'Type=Microsoft.DataTransfer.Common.Shared.HybridDeliveryException,Message=Sap Odp操作“使用指针 20221107095340.000094000 执行功能模块 RODPS_REPL_ODP_FETCH,程序包 ID 20221107095436.000183000”失败。错误号:“404”,错误消息:“DataSource QUEUENAME~KNA1 在版本 A 中不存在”,Source=Microsoft.DataTransfer.RuntimeHelper.SapRf' “,“细节”:””}

Does anyone knows what the error message means?有谁知道错误信息是什么意思? The table KNA1 is available, the User has all necessary permissions, connection works.表 KNA1 可用,用户具有所有必要的权限,连接有效。

Thanks, Frank谢谢,弗兰克

What I have done so far on Azure site:到目前为止我在 Azure 网站上所做的:

  • used another table用了另一张桌子
  • checked prerequesites检查先决条件
  • checked user permission检查用户权限
  • changed target from parquet to csv in Dataflow sink将数据流接收器中的目标从镶木地板更改为 csv

What I have done so far on SAP site:到目前为止我在 SAP 网站上所做的:

  • checked SLT monitoring检查 SLT 监控
  • checked ODQMON检查ODQMON

Hi all,大家好,

SAP provided a fix to this issue and I was now able to solve it. SAP 提供了此问题的修复程序,我现在能够解决它。 The main issue is an outdated version of the SLT, so with a new Version this issue should not appear.主要问题是 SLT 的版本过时,因此在新版本中不应出现此问题。 If an upgrade of the version is not possible due to dependencies to other systems the following notes needs to be implemented in SAP (SLT).如果由于依赖于其他系统而无法升级版本,则需要在 SAP (SLT) 中实施以下说明。

2232584 - Release of SAP extractors for ODP replication (ODP SAPI) 2232584 - 发布用于 ODP 复制的 SAP 提取器 (ODP SAPI)

2459760 - DataSource does not exist in Version A - Data Services (implement SAP Notes 2324659 and 2427380) 2459760 - 版本 A 中不存在数据源 - 数据服务(实施 SAP Notes 2324659 和 2427380)

The Notes 2324659 and 2427380 solved this problem.注释 2324659 和 2427380 解决了这个问题。 Regards, Frank问候,弗兰克


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