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在 AWS IoT 规则中编写正确的 SQL 语句

[英]Writing the correct SQL statement in AWS IoT rule

I am working on AWS IoT to develop my custom solution based on a set of sensors, and I have a problem regarding how to write the SQL statement related to the kind of data I receive from a Zigbee sensor.我正在使用 AWS IoT 开发基于一组传感器的自定义解决方案,但我有一个关于如何编写与我从 Zigbee 传感器接收的数据类型相关的 SQL 语句的问题。

An example of what I receive from my sensor is reported here:此处报告了我从传感器收到的示例:

  "type": "reportAttribute",
  "from": "WIFI",
  "deviceCode": "aws_device_code",
  "to": "CLOUD",
  "mac": "30:ae:7b:e2:e1:e6",
  "time": 1668506014,
  "data": {...}

What I would like to do is to select messages that have the from field equal to GREENPOWER , something along the lines of SELECT * FROM 'test' WHERE from = 'GREENPOWER' , but from is also a keyword in SQL hence my problem.我想做的是 select 消息,其from字段等于GREENPOWER ,类似于SELECT * FROM 'test' WHERE from = 'GREENPOWER' ,但from也是 SQL 中的关键字因此我的问题。 I am no expert whatsoever in SQL, so I am not sure how this can be done.我不是 SQL 方面的专家,所以我不确定如何做到这一点。 I am also looking for a way to modify the received data, but solving this problem on AWS would be much easier.我也在寻找一种方法来修改接收到的数据,但在 AWS 上解决这个问题会容易得多。

Thank you very much for your help!非常感谢您的帮助!

There are quite a lot of SQL functions that exist in AWS IoT Rule. AWS IoT Rule 中存在相当多的 SQL 函数。 You can find them here: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/iot/latest/developerguide/iot-sql-functions.html您可以在这里找到它们: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/iot/latest/developerguide/iot-sql-functions.html

In your case, something like this should work:在你的情况下,这样的事情应该有效:

SELECT * FROM 'test' WHERE get(*, "from") = "GREENPOWER"

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