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如何捕获我在 ElectroNeek Studio Pro 中使用 JavaScript 块抛出的错误消息

[英]How can I capture an error message I throw using the JavaScript block in ElectroNeek Studio Pro

When I use the JavaScript block I want to be able to capture an error message I throw using the red error exit bubble on the JavaScript Activity.当我使用 JavaScript 块时,我希望能够捕获我在 JavaScript 活动上使用红色错误退出气泡抛出的错误消息。 Right now whatever string I put in the throw always comes back as “error”.现在,无论我在 throw 中放入什么字符串,都会返回为“error”。 I do not find it desireable to save another variable in the block as an error message outside of the throw.我不认为将块中的另一个变量保存为抛出之外的错误消息是可取的。

enter image description here在此处输入图像描述

I would expect the console log to have the custom error message and not error.我希望控制台日志包含自定义错误消息而不是错误。

Thanks for the question, I would recommend you try using: throw Error("Some custom error message") .感谢您提出问题,我建议您尝试使用: throw Error("Some custom error message") This should work.这应该工作。 You can also follow our forum for more information on this: Here您也可以关注我们的论坛以获取更多相关信息:此处

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