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如何在 object 中使用字符串方法添加 getter

[英]How to add getter with string method inside an object

I have an object called headers.我有一个名为 headers 的 object。 Inside which I want to add certain headers with some random value like:在其中我想添加一些带有一些随机值的标题,例如:

configs = {
 header : {
   'x-some-id': Math.random().toString()

The config paramter is used to client which is used to send http requests.配置参数用于客户端,用于发送 http 请求。 And the randomid is some id generated by a load balancer. randomid 是由负载均衡器生成的一些 id。 So it will we different for every request.所以我们会根据每个请求而有所不同。 We dont want to create a new client for every client, hence I want to use getter function in header so that everytime a request is made, the header is automatically populated with a new id.我们不想为每个客户端创建一个新客户端,因此我想在 header 中使用 getter function,这样每次发出请求时,header 都会自动填充一个新 ID。 How do I implement this using getters.我如何使用 getter 实现它。 ideally this is what I what to achieve:理想情况下,这就是我要实现的目标:

configs = {
 header : {
   'x-some-id': get() { return Math.random().toString()}

The syntax for getters is getter 的语法

configs = {
  header: {
    get 'x-some-id'() { return Math.random().toString(); },

Not sure if that's what you wanted but you can use a Proxy不确定这是否是您想要的,但您可以使用Proxy

 const configs = { header: new Proxy({ }, { get() { return (Math.random() * 1000000 | 0).toString() } }) } console.log(configs.header['x-some-id'])

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