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进程结束,退出代码为 0 python

[英]Process finished with exit code 0 python

I'm new to python. I have this code.我是 python 的新用户。我有这个代码。 I need to get a result as a json from postoffices, but it only tells that I don't have problems in my code like "Process finished with exit code 0".我需要从邮局获得 json 的结果,但它只说明我的代码没有问题,例如“进程已完成,退出代码为 0”。 When I'm trying to print(get_settlement_postoffices()) , it gives me the same answer.当我尝试print(get_settlement_postoffices())时,它给了我相同的答案。

from __future__ import annotations

from datetime import datetime
import json
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, List, Optional, Union

from pochta.enums import PostofficeWorkType
from pochta.utils import HTTPMethod

class Services:
    def get_settlement_postoffices(self, settlement: str,
                                   region: Optional[str] = None,
                                   district: Optional[str] = None) -> List[str]:

        url = '/postoffice/1.0/settlement.offices.codes'

        params = {
            'settlement': settlement,
            'region': region,
            'district': district,

        res = self._client.request(HTTPMethod.GET, url, params=params)
        return res.json()

I want to get an array with postal codes of a city I've chosen in a settlement param.我想获得一个数组,其中包含我在结算参数中选择的城市的邮政编码。

You should create an instance of this class and call its method, like this:您应该创建此 class 的实例并调用其方法,如下所示:

myinstance = Services()

The exit code of 0 means that the process has been executed and exited successfully. exit code为0表示进程已经执行成功退出。

Are you creating an instance of that class, before calling the function?在调用 function 之前,您是否正在创建该 class 的实例? eg例如

i = Services()

Exit code 0 means that the program executed without errors and has run successfully.退出代码 0 表示程序执行无误并成功运行。

You can try printing debug messages in your terminal, by putting print("This code works!") in your code at different points.您可以尝试在终端中打印调试消息,方法是在代码的不同位置放置print("This code works!") This can help find if it is causing errors.这有助于确定它是否导致了错误。

Hope this helped!希望这有帮助!

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