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如何在浏览器扩展中将选项卡移动到新的 window

[英]How to move tab to a new window in a browser extension

The following is not working all the time, just sometimes:以下内容并非一直有效,只是有时:

let win = await browser.windows.create()
await browser.tabs.move(tab.id, {index: 0, windowId: win.id})

I'm not sure if it's a problem with how I'm using the api.我不确定我使用 api 的方式是否有问题。

I checked some github repo and found they do this:我检查了一些 github 回购协议,发现他们这样做:

browser.tabs.create({active: true, url: tab.url})

That actually works.这确实有效。

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