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用户控制窗体点击事件不点击 label C#

[英]User Control Form Click event not clicking on label C#

I have a problem with User form Click that I am trying to make in C# using a usercontrol .我尝试使用usercontrol在 C# 中创建的 User form Click有问题。 It consists of a picturebox and a label .它由一个label picturebox I want to call the click event but the picturebox and the label don't do anything when I click them.我想调用click事件,但是当我点击它们时,图片框和 label 没有做任何事情。 Only the background area of the usercontrol does what I want it to do.只有usercontrol的背景区域执行我希望它执行的操作。 Any ideas?有任何想法吗?

here's my code这是我的代码

for (int i = 0; i < listitems2.Length; i++)
    listitems2[i] = new declined();

    //adding sample data to each dynamic user
    listitems2[i].dicon = dicon[i];
    listitems2[i].did = did[i];
    listitems2[i].dname = dname[i];

    //adding data to flow layout panel

    // below line will assing this (usercontrolclick) event to every user control created dynamically
    listitems2[i].Click += new System.EventHandler(this.UserControl_Click);

for click function点击 function

void UserControl_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

    string ctrlName = ((UserControl)sender).Name;

    applicable obj = (applicable)sender;
    studid.Text = obj.id;
    studname.Text = obj.name;
    pictureBox1.Image = obj.icon;

You added OnClick handler to your UserControl , so only clicks made on UserControl will be registered.您向UserControl添加了OnClick处理程序,因此只会注册对UserControl的点击。 To enable Click event for all the controls on your form, you need to add your click handler to all other controls.要为窗体上的所有控件启用Click事件,您需要将点击处理程序添加到所有其他控件。

But, according to your code, you're adding click handling on form where your control is located.但是,根据您的代码,您要在控件所在的表单上添加点击处理。 In this case, you cannot register clicks on control from "outside" (you can by making Label and PictureBox controls public and adding handlers for their OnClick events but that is wrong way to do it)在这种情况下,您不能从“外部”注册对控件的点击(您可以通过公开LabelPictureBox控件并为其OnClick事件添加处理程序,但这是错误的方法)

My suggestion is to make custom event on your form and raise it on Form , Label and PictureBox click, and then make handler for that event on form which holds your UserControl .我的建议是在您的表单上创建自定义事件并在FormLabelPictureBox click 上引发它,然后在包含您的UserControl的表单上为该事件创建处理程序。

Something like this:是这样的:

//make custom eventHandler on your UserControl
public event EventHandler UserControlClicked;

public UserControl1()

    //after intialize compoment add same handler for all three controls
    this.Click += ControlClicked;
    this.pictureBox1.Click += ControlClicked;
    this.label1.Click += ControlClicked;

//this method will "catch" all clicks
private void ControlClicked(object sender, EventArgs e)
    //raise event
    UserControlClicked?.Invoke(this, e);

and on form where your custom control is, add handler for UserControlClicked (maybe with cast, I don't know what listItems2[i] contains):并在您的自定义控件所在的表单上,为 UserControlClicked 添加处理程序(可能使用 cast,我不知道 listItems2[i] 包含什么):

listitems2[i].UserControlClicked+= new System.EventHandler(this.UserControl_Click);

or maybe like this (with casting)或者可能像这样(铸造)

(listitems2[i] as UserControl1).UserControlClicked+= new System.EventHandler(this.UserControl_Click);

and handle the rest in your UserControl_Click method like before并像以前一样在UserControl_Click方法中处理 rest

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