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FriendsOfCake/BootstrapUI 使用 Bootstrap 3 从 CakePHP 3 迁移到 CakePHP 4

[英]FriendsOfCake/BootstrapUI migration from CakePHP 3 to CakePHP 4 with Bootstrap 3

We are upgrading our CakePHP 3 project to CakePHP 4 because we need to support PHP 8.1.我们正在将 CakePHP 3 项目升级到 CakePHP 4,因为我们需要支持 PHP 8.1。

We are also using https://github.com/FriendsOfCake/bootstrap-ui plugin's HTML/Flash/FormHelpers to generate Bootstrap 3 styled HTML. We do not need the bake functionalities of the library, only the helpers.我们还使用 https://github.com/FriendsOfCake/bootstrap-ui 插件的 HTML/Flash/FormHelpers 来生成样式为 HTML 的 Bootstrap 3。我们不需要库的烘焙功能,只需要助手。

The newer versions that are for CakePHP 4 core are using either Bootstrap 4 or 5. So do you guys have any ideas on how to migrate our project so we don't need to upgrade from Bootstrap 3?适用于 CakePHP 4 核的较新版本正在使用 Bootstrap 4 或 5。那么你们对如何迁移我们的项目有什么想法,这样我们就不需要从 Bootstrap 3 升级了吗?

I tried finding information about this but there is not really that much.我尝试查找有关此的信息,但实际上并没有那么多。 Upgrading from Bootstrap 3 to 4 would cause rewriting huge amount of our HTML also.从 Bootstrap 3 升级到 4 也会导致重写大量的 HTML。

You could try to configure the helper's template's to make the output Bootstrap 3 compatible, and possibly extend the plugin helpers to add/change functionality where necessary and possible.您可以尝试配置助手的模板以使 output Bootstrap 3 兼容,并可能扩展插件助手以在必要和可能的情况下添加/更改功能。

If that doesn't suffice, then another option could be to use your own fork of friendsofcake/bootstrap-ui , either from the 1.x branch which you could try to make compatible with CakePHP 4, or from the 3.x branch which you can try to make compatible with Bootstrap 3.如果这还不够,那么另一种选择可能是使用您自己的friendsofcake/bootstrap-ui分支,或者来自您可以尝试与 CakePHP 4 兼容的1.x分支,或者来自3.x分支您可以尝试与 Bootstrap 3 兼容。

I can't really tell you which one would be easier, you should probably expect having to invest quite some time into it either way.我真的不能告诉你哪一个会更容易,你可能应该预料到无论哪种方式都必须投入相当多的时间。

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