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Angular 14 - 从 angular 材料对话框中获取数据

[英]Angular 14 - Getting data out of angular material dialog

I'm looking to get data out from my material dialog that uses a ng-template.我希望从使用 ng-template 的材质对话框中获取数据。 I'm getting a Property 'data' does not exist on type 'MeetingsComponent'.我得到一个属性“数据”在类型“MeetingsComponent”上不存在。 when trying to use this line.尝试使用此行时。

<button mat-raised-button [mat-dialog-close]="data" cdkFocusInitial>Save</button>

This is my full code for the template:这是我的模板的完整代码:

<ng-template #editMeeting>
        <mat-form-field appearance="outline">
            <mat-label>Meeting Name</mat-label>
            <input #name matInput type="text" autocomplete="off"/>
        <mat-form-field appearance="outline">
            <mat-label>Meeting Location</mat-label>
            <input #location matInput type="text" autocomplete="off"/>
        <mat-form-field appearance="outline">
            <mat-label>Choose a date</mat-label>
            <input #date matInput [matDatepicker]="picker">
            <mat-datepicker-toggle matSuffix [for]="picker"></mat-datepicker-toggle>
            <mat-datepicker #picker></mat-datepicker>
    <div mat-dialog-actions>
        <button mat-raised-button mat-dialog-close>Close</button>
        <button mat-raised-button [mat-dialog-close]="data" cdkFocusInitial>Save</button>

This line is called to open dialog:调用此行以打开对话框:

<button mat-raised-button type="button" (click)="edit(editMeeting, row)">Edit</button>

And this is the edit function being called:这是被调用的编辑 function:

  edit(content: any, row: any): void {
    this.matDialog.open(content, {
      data: {name: row.name}

I know this isn't the best way to render dialog content, but just for speed right now, this is the way I'm doing it.我知道这不是呈现对话框内容的最佳方式,但现在只是为了速度,这就是我正在做的方式。 Let me know if I left out any needed code.如果我遗漏了任何需要的代码,请告诉我。

In your dialog component, you need to declare data object to receive from parent in component's constructure.在您的对话框组件中,您需要声明数据 object 以在组件的构造中从父级接收。

constructor(@Inject(MAT_DIALOG_DATA) public data: any) { ...}

Full example: Stackblitz完整示例: Stackblitz

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