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在 NavigationView 中为 ProgressViewStyle 设置动画

[英]Animating a ProgressViewStyle inside NavigationView

Let's make a simple custom "infinite" spinner.让我们制作一个简单的自定义“无限”微调器。

SwiftUI provides ProgressView as the prototypical container for this with ProgressViewStyle as a means of customizing the way to present the progress. SwiftUI 提供ProgressView作为原型容器, ProgressViewStyle作为自定义呈现进度方式的手段。

To make our spinner infinitely spin, we'll use a linear animation, repeat it forever, start it at a rotation effect of 0 and move it to 360 degrees, as soon as the spinner appears.为了使我们的微调器无限旋转,我们将使用线性 animation,永远重复它,以 0 的旋转效果开始,并在微调器出现后立即将其移动到 360 度。


Now let's put it inside a NavigationView :现在让我们把它放在NavigationView中:


We see the spinner bouncing up and down as it spins.我们看到微调器在旋转时上下弹跳。 Any clue what's going on or how to address the issue (while preserving a respect for the fundamentals, eg. ProgressView to display progress and ProgressViewStyle to customize it)?任何线索发生了什么或如何解决问题(同时保留对基本原理的尊重,例如ProgressView显示进度和ProgressViewStyle自定义它)?

struct SimplePreview: PreviewProvider, View {
    static var previews = Self()
    private var isAnimating = false

    var body: some View {
        NavigationView {
    public struct SymbolicStyle: ProgressViewStyle {
        private var isAnimating = false

        public func makeBody(configuration: Configuration) -> some View {
            Image(systemName: "circle.hexagonpath.fill")
                .rotationEffect(self.isAnimating ? .degrees(360) : .zero)
                .onAppear {
                    withAnimation(.linear(duration: 1).repeatForever(autoreverses: false)) {
                        self.isAnimating = true

You can replace .onAppear with .task in order to start the animation in a separate context where it does not get mixed up with other unreleated layout events.您可以将.onAppear替换为.task ,以便在单独的上下文中启动 animation,这样它就不会与其他不相关的布局事件混淆。

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