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将 mysql_fetch 数组转换为 $wpdb-> 在 WP Shortcode 中获取结果时出现问题

[英]Issue when converting mysql_fetch array to $wpdb->get results within WP Shortcode

I am looking to deliver a dropdown within the page of a Wordpress Theme connecting to the backend WP Database using $wpdb and ob_start to bring through option values.我希望在 Wordpress 主题的页面中提供一个下拉列表,该主题使用 $wpdb 和 ob_start 连接到后端 WP 数据库,以引入选项值。

In order to do this I have had to convert mysql_fetch array to $wpdb->get results and use a Shortcode generated from a PHP Snippet plugin.为了做到这一点,我不得不将 mysql_fetch 数组转换为 $wpdb->get results 并使用从 PHP Snippet 插件生成的简码。

Code -代码 -

add_shortcode( 'get-city', function () {
    ob_start(); ?>
    global $wpdb;
    $results = $wpdb->query("SELECT countryid FROM {$wpdb->prefix}city");?>
    <select name="city"> 
    <option>Select City</option> 
    <?php while($row=$wpdb->get_results($results)) {
           echo "<option value>{$row->city}</option>";
    echo "</select>";
    return ob_get_clean();

The shortcode shows no errors and is able to be activated.简码显示没有错误并且能够被激活。

The dropdown shows on the page but then no options are presented for a user to select. Nothing is being brought through from the db.下拉列表显示在页面上,但没有为用户提供任何选项 select。没有从数据库中获取任何内容。

I would really appreciate it if someone could point out the error.如果有人能指出错误,我将不胜感激。

Thanks in advance.提前致谢。

UPDATE -更新 -

I have amended 'while' to 'foreach' within the code -我已将代码中的“while”修改为“foreach”-

add_shortcode( 'get-city', function () {
    ob_start(); ?>
    global $wpdb;
    $results = $wpdb->query("SELECT city FROM {$wpdb->prefix}city");?>
    <select name="city"> 
    <option>Select City</option> 
    <?php $rows = $wpdb->get_results($results); foreach( $rows as $row ){
           echo "<option value>{$rows->city}</option>";
    echo "</select>";
    return ob_get_clean();

I still cannot bring values from the backend db.我仍然无法从后端数据库中获取值。

Many thanks for your response(s) so far.非常感谢您到目前为止的回复。

$wpdb->get_results($results) is basically a fetchAll $wpdb->get_results($results)基本上是一个 fetchAll

https://developer.wordpress.org/reference/classes/wpdb/get_results/ https://developer.wordpress.org/reference/classes/wpdb/get_results/

So do this所以这样做

add_shortcode( 'get-city', function () {

    global $wpdb;
    $results = $wpdb->query("SELECT city FROM {$wpdb->prefix}city");
    <select name="city"> 
        <option>Select City</option> 
    $rows = $wpdb->get_results($results); 
    foreach( $rows as $row ){
        echo "<option value='{$row->city}'>{$row->city}</option>";
    echo "</select>";
    return ob_get_clean();

You may want to put the id of the ciry row in the value attribute like this.您可能想像这样将 ciry 行的id放在value属性中。 Depends on how its stored and later used取决于它的存储方式和以后的使用方式

echo "<option value='{$row->id}'>{$row->city}</option>";

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