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[英]Difference between share table and share streamTable?

In DolphinDB, a shared streamTable can be used in streaming subscription scenarios whereas a shared table cannot.在 DolphinDB 中,共享streamTable可以用于流式订阅场景,而共享则不能。 So why do we still share the regular table ?那么为什么我们仍然共享普通呢? What is it that the shared tables can do while the shared streamTables cannot?共享可以做什么而共享表不能做什么?

Both types of shared tables can be used across sessions.两种类型的共享表都可以跨会话使用。 A shared streamTable can be subscribed while a shared table cannot, like you said.共享的 streamTable 可以订阅,而共享的表不能,就像你说的那样。

However, the data of a shared streamTable cannot be updated or deleted whereas shared table can.但是,无法更新或删除共享流表的数据,而共享表可以。 Check this:检查这个:

share table(1 2 3 as id, 4 5 6 as value) as table1;
update table1 set id = 7; // success
delete from table1;  // success 

share streamTable(1 2 3 as id, 4 5 6 as value) as table2;
update table2 set id = 7 ; // update table2 set id = 7 => The table is not allowed to be updated.
delete from table2; // delete from table2 => It is not allowed to delete rows from the specified table.

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