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如何在 PHP 8 和 Windows IIS 服务器上配置内存缓存

[英]How to configure memcache on PHP 8 with Windows IIS server

Recently I upgraded PHP to v8.0 and I couldn't able to configure the Memcache for the same.最近我将 PHP 升级到 v8.0,但我无法为其配置 Memcache。 Earlier to this Memcache was working fine on PHP 7.4.在此之前,Memcache 在 PHP 7.4 上运行良好。 I tried to download the latest Memcached from https://pecl.php.net/package/memcached and extracted it into c:/memcached and tried to run the memcached.exe -d install & memcached.exe -d start but was not able to run them, as it returns我尝试从https://pecl.php.net/package/memcached下载最新的 Memcached 并将其解压缩到 c:/memcached 并尝试运行 memcached.exe -d install & memcached.exe -d start 但不是能够运行它们,因为它返回

'memcached.exe' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.

Anyone help me with clear steps to install Memcache for PHP 8 on the Windows IIS server?有人帮我在 Windows IIS 服务器上为 PHP 8 安装 Memcache 的明确步骤吗?

I just placed a compatible memcache.ddl file and it worked.我只是放置了一个兼容的 memcache.ddl 文件并且它起作用了。 Here are the various version-specific memcache.dll files you will get.以下是您将获得的各种版本特定的 memcache.dll 文件。

https://github.com/nono303/PHP-memcache-dll https://github.com/nono303/PHP-memcache-dll

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