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Home Assistant RESTful 传感器 YAML。如何过滤 REST API 结果?

[英]Home Assistant RESTful sensor YAML. How to filter REST API results?

in the configuration.yaml file of Home Assistant I created this RESTful sensor:在 Home Assistant 的 configuration.yaml 文件中,我创建了这个 RESTful 传感器:

   - platform: rest
     resource: ""
     method: GET
     name: "devialet AUX"
     value_template: "{{ value_json.sources[0] }}"

This queries an API from my speaker that returns all available sources (in the above snippet, the first entry):这会从我的扬声器中查询一个 API,它会返回所有可用的来源(在上面的代码片段中,第一个条目):

    "sources": [{
        "deviceId": "c803cc3b-647f-5d95-b712-b867abe80181",
        "sourceId": "f4a7f06a-da1d-4fc7-b341-39a702969ca4",
        "type": "upnp"
    }, {
        "deviceId": "19ee4eeb-1ed0-5b20-b834-6d66a2bf4acc",
        "sourceId": "549ad3aa-3e5f-4905-80c7-dc182ba040d0",
        "streamLockAvailable": false,
        "type": "opticaljack"
    }, {
        "deviceId": "c803cc3b-647f-5d95-b712-b867abe80181",
        "sourceId": "5789cce5-8ab6-4832-9b10-514be4b86fe5",
        "streamLockAvailable": true,
        "type": "opticaljack"
    }, {
        "deviceId": "c803cc3b-647f-5d95-b712-b867abe80181",
        "sourceId": "dfa269e5-ce7f-4b79-85d3-90826a4a040b",
        "type": "spotifyconnect"

On every reboot of the speaker, the order of this list changes and the value of the sourceId field changes for each device.每次重新启动扬声器时,此列表的顺序都会发生变化,每个设备的 sourceId 字段的值也会发生变化。 My goal is to get the sourceId for the devices with “type”: “opticaljack” AND “streamLockAvailable”: false.我的目标是获取具有“type”的设备的 sourceId:“opticaljack”和“streamLockAvailable”:false。

How can I extract the correct item, and consequently the value of sourceId and set that as a state for the sensor?如何提取正确的项目,从而提取 sourceId 的值并将其设置为传感器的 state? I want to use this as an input for an automation afterwards.之后我想将其用作自动化的输入。

I've tried to cobble together some code that does not function and is not compliant:我试图拼凑一些不符合 function 且不兼容的代码:

value_template: >
   {% set c = value_json.sources | selectattr('type', 'eq', 'opticaljack' | 'streamLockAvailable', 'eq',  false) | first | default %}
   {% if c.type == 'opticaljack' and c.streamLockAvailable == false  %}
      {{ c.selectattr('sourceId') }}
   {% endif %}

I think you're close.我认为你很接近。 The main problem is that you're missing the second selectattr .主要问题是您缺少第二个selectattr You also don't need the 'if' test, because these are already filtered with the 'selectattr'.您也不需要“if”测试,因为这些已经用“selectattr”过滤了。 So you would have:所以你会有:

{% set c = value_json.sources 
  | selectattr('type', 'eq', 'opticaljack') 
  | selectattr('streamLockAvailable', 'eq',  false) 
  | first
  | default %}
{{ c }}

Assuming you're not doing other processing, you could simplify this to:假设您没有进行其他处理,您可以将其简化为:

{{ value_json.sources 
  | selectattr('type', 'eq', 'opticaljack') 
  | selectattr('streamLockAvailable', 'eq',  false) 
  | first
  | default }}

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