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为什么“go vet”失败并显示 go build.... signal: killed 错误?

[英]Why 'go vet' failing with go build.... signal: killed error?

We are using The Kube.netes executor for GitLab Runner, as part of GitLab CI Go vet is failing with error--go build github.com/hashicorp/cdktf-provider-aws-go/aws/v9/wafv2: /usr/local/go/pkg/tool/linux_amd64/compile: signal: killed我们正在为 GitLab Runner 使用 Kube.netes 执行程序,作为 GitLab CI Go vet 的一部分失败并出现错误--go build github.com/hashicorp/cdktf-provider-aws-go/aws/v9/wafv2: /usr/ local/go/pkg/tool/linux_amd64/compile: signal: killed

I tried increasing the GitLab runner memory to 16GB and tried.我尝试将 GitLab runner memory 增加到 16GB 并尝试。 Then also failed.然后也失败了。

I am not able to replicate the failure locally, so I cannot find the exact reason for the failure.我无法在本地复制故障,因此无法找到故障的确切原因。

is there any way to fix this issue?有什么办法可以解决这个问题吗?

after upgrading cdktf-provider-aws-go version to v11 and terraform-cdk-go/cdktf version to v0.14.0, build is going smooth.将 cdktf-provider-aws-go 版本升级到 v11 并将 terraform-cdk-go/cdktf 版本升级到 v0.14.0 后,构建进展顺利。

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