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Dictionary 的值是如何赋值的?

[英]How is the value assigned to Dictionary?

This is a very simple problem where it reads file from a CSV with first column header as "title" and then counts how many times the title appears in side the dictionary.这是一个非常简单的问题,它从 CSV 中读取文件,第一列 header 作为“标题”,然后计算标题在字典中出现的次数。 But I am not understanding in which step it is assigning the "title" to "titles" dictionary.但我不明白它在哪一步将“标题”分配给“标题”字典。

The code is:代码是:

import csv

titles = {}

with open("movies.csv", "r") as file:
    reader = csv.DictReader(file)

    for row in reader:
        #title is defined here
        title = row["title"].strip().upper()
        if title in titles:
            titles[title] = titles[title] + 1
            titles[title] = 1

If it is assigning inside the else block then why is my second code where I just want to assign values to the dictionary named "titles" and not count the number of times it appears, is not Working?:如果它在 else 块内分配,那么为什么我的第二个代码只是想将值分配给名为“titles”的字典而不计算它出现的次数,这不起作用?:

import csv

titles = {}

with open("movies.csv", "r") as file:
    reader = csv.DictReader(file)

    for row in reader:
        #title is defined here
        title = row["title"].strip().upper()
        if not title in titles:

Error: Key Value error

In your second version, you have this line titles[title] , which is not adding the title to your titles dictionary as you do in your first version.在你的第二个版本中,你有这一行titles[title] ,它没有像你在第一个版本中那样将标题添加到你的 titles 字典中。 Since the title is missing in the dictionary, accessing it will give you a key value error.由于字典中缺少标题,因此访问它会出现键值错误。 Why do you have a line titles[title] that does nothing?为什么你有一行titles[title]什么都不做?

But I think there's a bigger problem here with your first version of code.但我认为您的第一个版本代码存在更大的问题。 You want to add the title to the dictionary when it's not already in it, and add the count by 1 if otherwise.您想在字典中没有标题时将其添加到字典中,否则将计数加 1。 But your first version is doing the opposite, which will throw you an error.但是您的第一个版本恰恰相反,这会引发错误。

If titles is a dictionary titles[title] finds the value corresponding to the key title .如果titles是一个字典titles[title]找到与键title对应的值。 Your second version does not put anything in the dictionary, so titles[title] raises a key error.您的第二个版本没有在字典中放入任何内容,因此titles[title]引发了一个关键错误。

You say you want to "assign values to the dictionary but not count anything".你说你想“给字典赋值但不计算任何东西”。 A dictionary is the wrong structure to use for this.字典是用于此的错误结构。 If you want unique titles, you could use a set :如果你想要独特的标题,你可以使用一个set

import csv

titles = set()

with open("movies.csv", "r") as file:
    reader = csv.DictReader(file)

    for row in reader:
        #title is defined here
        title = row["title"].strip().upper()

Notice the add method only adds something if it does not already exist in the set, rather like a mathematical set.请注意, add方法仅在集合中尚不存在的情况下才添加某些内容,就像数学集合一样。 You no longer have key, value pairs, just items.您不再有键、值对,只有项目。

声明:本站的技术帖子网页,遵循CC BY-SA 4.0协议,如果您需要转载,请注明本站网址或者原文地址。任何问题请咨询:yoyou2525@163.com.

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