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如何在 centos stream 9 上安装 puppet-server?

[英]How to install puppet-server on centos stream 9?

I have done:我已经做好了:

  1. dnf -y install https://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/epel-release-latest-9.noarch.rpm dnf -y 安装https://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/epel-release-latest-9.noarch.rpm
  2. dnf -y install https://yum.puppetlabs.com/puppet-release-el-9.noarch.rpm dnf -y 安装https://yum.puppetlabs.com/puppet-release-el-9.noarch.rpm

But, it still can not find puppetserver:但是,它仍然找不到 puppetserver:

[root@xxx ~]# dnf search puppetserver
Last metadata expiration check: 1:06:31 ago on Sun 20 Nov 2022 16:36:51 CST.
No matches found.

EL9 is supported as a client OS since Puppet 7.14 (latest is 7.20), but it is not on the list of supported server OSes for the latest Puppet (7.20.0) .自 Puppet 7.14(最新版本为 7.20)起支持 EL9 作为客户端操作系统,但它不在最新 Puppet (7.20.0) 支持的服务器操作系统列表中 It is not then surprising that the Puppet repository for EL9 does not presently contain RPMs for puppetserver , puppetdb , or other server-side Puppet components.因此,EL9 的 Puppet 存储库目前不包含puppetserverpuppetdb或其他服务器端 Puppet 组件的 RPM 也就不足为奇了。

If you want to try anyway then you could attempt to use the EL8 packages on your EL9 system, but you would be on your own because, again, puppetserver is not presently supported on that OS.如果您无论如何都想尝试,那么您可以尝试在您的 EL9 系统上使用 EL8 包,但您只能靠自己,因为该操作系统目前不支持 puppetserver。

I am inclined to think that EL9 support is planned, but I couldn't find a public roadmap, and I didn't see any relevant tickets in Puppet's issue tracker.我倾向于认为 EL9 支持是有计划的,但我找不到公开的路线图,而且我在 Puppet 的问题跟踪器中也没有看到任何相关的票证。 It might be worth your while to ask Puppet directly, or to ask in a more Puppet-specific community, such as the puppet-users list.直接询问 Puppet 或在更特定于 Puppet 的社区(例如puppet 用户列表)中询问可能是值得的。

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