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支持 MSAL 的“Microsoft.Azure.ServiceBus”版本?

[英]Version for "Microsoft.Azure.ServiceBus" to support MSAL?

What is version for "Microsoft.Azure.ServiceBus" to support MSAL? “Microsoft.Azure.ServiceBus”支持 MSAL 的版本是什么? I can see it is still internally using "Microsoft.Azure.Services.AppAuthentication"我可以看到它仍在内部使用“Microsoft.Azure.Services.AppAuthentication”


There is no version of Microsoft.Azure.ServiceBus that supports MSAL.没有支持 MSAL 的Microsoft.Azure.ServiceBus版本。 This Service Bus library is a legacy package that has been deprecated is and only receiving critical security and bug fixes.此服务总线库是旧版 package,已被弃用,并且仅接收关键的安全性和错误修复。

The Azure.Messaging.ServiceBus package is the recommended replacement. Azure.Messaging.ServiceBus package 是推荐的替代品。 As part of the current generation of the Azure SDK, it integrates with the Azure.Identity library for authentication/authorization.作为当前一代 Azure SDK 的一部分,它集成了Azure.Identity库用于身份验证/授权。 Azure.Identity uses MSAL internally and will continue to evolve and adhere to recommended guidance for identity management and security. Azure.Identity在内部使用 MSAL,并将继续发展并遵守身份管理和安全的推荐指南。


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