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汇编 32 位程序在第一次后不等待用户输入

[英]Assembly 32-bit program not waiting for user input after first time

I am trying to write a program using system calls for x86 32-bit.我正在尝试使用 x86 32 位系统调用编写程序。 It is supposed to set up an array of structures that ask for user input to fill in the structures x and y .它应该设置一个结构数组,要求用户输入以填充结构xy Thanks to previous comments, I believe I am able to get the inputs to populate the structures now, but I can't seem to print them.感谢之前的评论,我相信我现在能够获得输入来填充结构,但我似乎无法打印它们。 Can someone give me a push in the right direction please?有人可以给我一个正确的方向吗?

I know that the inputs need to be modified to print the right number, but the PrintDec function should account for this.我知道需要修改输入以打印正确的数字,但PrintDec function 应该考虑到这一点。 I compile with:我编译:

 nasm -f elf Lab_14.asm -o Lab_14.o and gcc -m32 -g -lc Lab_14.o -o Lab_14

Here's my code and a screenshot of my current results这是我的代码和当前结果的屏幕截图

; Lab_14_Data_Structure

STRUC   Point       ;define Point structure
    .x: resb    4   ;reserve 4 bytes for x coordinate
    .y: resb    4   ;reserve 4 bytes for y coordinate

section .data
    msg1:       db  "Set the x and y coordinates of the five points",10,0
    msg1Len:    equ $-msg1
    msg2:       db  "Printing the X and Y coordinates for all points",10,0
    msg2Len:    equ $-msg2
    msg3:       db  "X = ",10,0
    msg3Len:    equ $-msg3
    msg4:       db  "Y = ",10,0
    msg4Len:    equ $-msg4
    msg5:       db  "Program completed successfully. Goodbye",10,0
    msg5Len:    equ $-msg5
    counter:    dd  5; keep track of how many input cycles are left
;declaring an instrance of Point structure and initalize its fields
    AT Point.x, dd  0
    AT Point.y, dd  0

section .bss
PtArr:      resb    Point.size*5            ;reserve place for five structures
ArrCount:   equ ($-PtArr)/Point.size    ;five structures

section .text

    global main
    extern printf
    ;start stack
    push    ebp
    mov ebp, esp
    mov ecx, ArrCount   ;count of array structures(5)
    mov esi, PtArr      ;points to beginning of array
    mov ecx, msg1
    mov edx, msg1Len
    call    PString

    ; get number from user to place in structures
    mov     ecx, msg3
    mov     edx, msg3Len
    Call PString
    mov eax, 3
    mov ebx, 0
    lea ecx, [esi+Point.x]
    mov edx, 4
    int 80h     
    mov     ecx, msg4
    mov     edx, msg4Len
    Call PString
    mov eax, 3
    mov ebx, 0
    lea ecx, [esi+Point.y]
    mov edx, 4
    int 80h
    add esi, Point.size     ;move to next structure in array
    dec DWORD[counter]
    cmp DWORD[counter], 0
    jne Input
        mov ecx, ArrCount   ;count of array structures(5)
    mov esi, PtArr      ;points to beginning of array
    mov DWORD[counter], 5   ;reset counter
    mov eax, [esi+Point.x]
    call printDec
    call println

    mov eax, [esi+Point.y]
    call printDec
    call println
    add esi, Point.size
    dec DWORD[counter]
    cmp DWORD[counter], 0
    jne PrintArray

    mov ecx, msg5
    mov edx, msg5Len
    call    PString
    mov esp, ebp
    pop ebp
    ;mov eax, 1
    ;mov ebx, 0
    ;int 80h

    section .bss
        decstr      resb    10
        ct1     resd    1

    section .text
        mov dword[ct1], 0
        mov edi, decstr
        add edi, 9
        xor edx, edx
        mov ebx, 10
        div ebx
        add edx, '0'
        mov byte[edi], dl
        dec edi
        inc dword[ct1]
        xor edx, edx
        cmp eax, 0
        jne WhileNotZero

        inc edi
        mov ecx, edi
        mov edx, [ct1]
        mov eax, 4
        mov ebx, 1
        int 80h


    section .data
        nl  db  "",10
    section .text
        mov ecx, nl
        mov edx, 1
        mov eax, 4
        mov ebx, 1
        int 80h

    ;save register values
    mov     eax, 4
    mov     ebx, 1
    int     80h
    ;restore old register values

Error #1: You have defined counter as a byte memory variable, but later in code you treat it as DWORD.错误 #1:您已将counter定义为字节 memory 变量,但稍后在代码中将其视为 DWORD。

counter:    db  5; keep track of how many input cycles are left
dec DWORD[counter]  

Error #2: Kernel function read expects the 2nd argument (delivered in ECX ) to point at the target buffer, but instead you load ECX with zeros from PtArr .错误 #2: Kernel function read期望第二个参数(在ECX中传递)指向目标缓冲区,但您PtArr加载带有零的ECX

mov eax, 3                   ; Kernel function `sys_read`
mov ebx, 0                   ; File descriptor STDIN_FILENO=0
mov ecx, DWORD[esi+Point.x]  ; That is wrong!
LEA ECX,[ESI+Point.x]        ; Load its address instead.
mov edx, 4                   ; Size of Point.x=4
int 80h                      ; Invoke kernel

Error #3: Coordinates input from keyboard stores the input number as decimal digits.错误 #3:从键盘输入的坐标将输入的数字存储为十进制数字。 When you set for instance the x coordinate as 1 , the first byte in Point.x will be 0x31 .例如,当您将 x 坐标设置为1时, Point.x中的第一个字节将为0x31 You should read the values to a temporary buffer, convert the number to binary and only then store it to the array.您应该将值读取到临时缓冲区,将数字转换为二进制,然后才将其存储到数组中。

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