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满足条件时不显示 JOptionPane

[英]Doesn't show the JOptionPane when a condition is met

Im trying to make a Login Gui where it searches a text file for the password and username and if it doesn't find any that match the input then they display a JOptionPane but for some reason it never shows it.我试图制作一个登录 Gui,它在文本文件中搜索密码和用户名,如果找不到与输入匹配的任何内容,则它们会显示JOptionPane但由于某种原因它从未显示过。 This is the code:这是代码:

int determine=0;
    String p1;
    String p2;
    String password =PasswordEntered.getText();
    String username =UsernameEntered.getText();
    FileReader reader=new FileReader("LoginPages.txt");
    FileReader read=new FileReader("LoginPages.txt");
    BufferedReader cr=new BufferedReader(read);
    BufferedReader br=new BufferedReader(reader);
    ArrayList<String> numbs = new ArrayList<String>();
    while (cr.readLine()!=null){
    for (int i=0;i<=numbs.size();i=i+2){
        if(password.equals(p2)&&(username.equals(p1))) {
            MainGUI x=new MainGUI();
    if (determine==numbs.size()) {
        JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this, "try again");
} catch(IOException ex){
    JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this, "File Not Found");

It was supposed to pop up saying "try again" but instead it doesn't do anything.它应该弹出说“再试一次”,但它什么也没做。 Please help or explain anyone.请帮助或解释任何人。

The file is found, otherwise a JOptionPane would have shown up.该文件已找到,否则将显示 JOptionPane。 You can test that by renaming the file and running the code again.您可以通过重命名文件并再次运行代码来测试它。

After that, the condition to display a JOptionPane would be determine==numbs.size() , but determine is initialized to zero and only set on successful login to the index at which it was found.之后,显示 JOptionPane 的条件将是determine==numbs.size() ,但determine被初始化为零,并且仅在成功登录到找到它的索引时设置。 Even if the last entry (pair of user/password) were found, it would match with i=size-2, so the condition never applies.即使找到最后一个条目(用户/密码对),它也会与 i=size-2 匹配,因此条件永远不会适用。

Change your code into something like将您的代码更改为类似

boolean found = false;
for (int i=0;i<=numbs.size();i=i+2){
    if(password.equals(p2)&&(username.equals(p1))) {
        found = true;
if (found) {
    MainGUI x=new MainGUI();
} else {
    JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this, "try again");

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