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有没有办法使用 Pathlib 遍历父文件夹直到名称匹配?

[英]Is there a way to use Pathlib to traverse parents folders until a name matches?

I was discussing with a colleague if there is a built-in (or clean) way to use Pathlib to traverse through an arbitrary Path to find a given parent folder, for example the root of your repository (which may differ per user that has a local copy of said repo).我正在与一位同事讨论是否有一种内置(或干净)的方式来使用 Pathlib 遍历任意路径以查找给定的父文件夹,例如存储库的根目录(每个用户可能有所不同)所述回购协议的本地副本)。 I simulated the desired behaviour below:我在下面模拟了所需的行为:

from pathlib import Path

def find_parent(path: Path, target_parent: str) -> Path:
    for part in path.parts[::-1]:
        if part != target_parent:
            path = path.parent
    return path

path = Path("/some/arbitrarily/long/path/ROOT_FOLDER/subfolder1/subfolder2/file.py")
root = find_parent(path, "ROOT_FOLDER")
assert root == Path("/some/arbitrarily/long/path/ROOT_FOLDER")

Is there an easier way to achieve this?有没有更简单的方法来实现这一目标?

You could iterate over path.parents (plural) directly, which makes this a bit cleaner:您可以直接遍历path.parents (复数),这样会更简洁一些:

def find_parent(path: Path, target_parent: str) -> Path | None:
    # `path.parents` does not include `path`, so we need to prepend it if it is
    # to be considered
    for parent in [path] + list(path.parents):
        if parent.name == target_parent:
            return parent

(No need for the else clause.) (不需要 else 子句。)

Based on @Chris's answer, I found the following one-liner is what I am after:根据@Chris 的回答,我发现下面的一句话就是我所追求的:

root = [parent for parent in path.parents if parent.name == "ROOT_FOLDER"][0]

Updated to root = next((parent for parent in path.parents if parent.name == "ROOT_FOLDER"), None) based on @SUTerliakov's suggestion.根据@SUTerliakov 的建议更新为root = next((parent for parent in path.parents if parent.name == "ROOT_FOLDER"), None)

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