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[英]Create two columns from the same columns but in different ways

From the table below, I would like to create two columns that aggregate 'amount' depending on the value of 'number' and 'type'.从下表中,我想创建两列,根据“数字”和“类型”的值聚合“金额”。

number数字 type类型 amount数量
1 1个 A一种 10 10
1 1个 A一种 20 20
2 2个 A一种 10 10
3 3个 B 20 20
2 2个 B 10 10
1 1个 B 20 20

Here's the table I would like to get.这是我想要的表。 The first column I want to create is 'amount A', which is the aggregation of the rows with 'A' in 'type' grouped by 'number'.我要创建的第一列是“数量 A”,它是按“数字”分组的“类型”中带有“A”的行的聚合。 The other one 'amount A+B' is the aggregation of all the rows grouped by 'number' regardless the value of 'type'.另一个“数量 A+B”是按“数字”分组的所有行的聚合,而不管“类型”的值如何。

number数字 amount A金额A amount A+B金额A+B
1 1个 30 30 50 50
2 2个 10 10 20 20
3 3个 0 0 20 20

I only came up with the way to create subsets and create two columns separately.我只是想出了创建子集和分别创建两列的方法。 But I wonder if there is more efficient way.但我想知道是否有更有效的方法。

You can try this:你可以试试这个:

out = (
    df.astype({'number': 'category'})
    .query('type == "A"')
    .to_frame('amount A')

out['amount A+B'] = df.groupby('number')['amount'].sum()

        amount A  amount A+B
1             30          50
2             10          20
3              0          20

One of the tricks is to convert the 'number' column to a categorical so that we have a resultant sum for all numbers even if a number doesn't appear with 'type A' .其中一个技巧是将'number'列转换为分类列,这样即使数字没有出现在'type A'中,我们也可以得到所有数字的sum

Once we do that, we can very easily perform a groupby across the numbers with an without the rows where type == "A" .一旦我们这样做了,我们就可以很容易地在没有行的数字上执行 groupby where type == "A"

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