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如何在 div 中显示快速验证器错误

[英]How to display express validator errors in a div

I'm using express validator to validate a form and I'm able to get the results however, I'm not sure how to display it into my EJS file.我正在使用快速验证器来验证表单并且我能够获得结果,但是我不确定如何将它显示到我的 EJS 文件中。

        const errors = validationResult(req);
        if (!errors.isEmpty()) {
           let error = errors.array().map(i => `${i.msg}`).join(' ');
           res.render('sell', { title: 'Sell', error: errors });

ejs file ejs文件

                    <% if (error != null) { %>
                        <div class="alert alert-danger">
                                <%= error %>

                            <% } %>

This code only returns the errors on one line, I want it to display the errors in its own alert div.此代码仅在一行中返回错误,我希望它在自己的 alert div 中显示错误。

create a for loop for errors like this为这样的错误创建一个 for 循环

<% if (error !=null) { %>
    <% for (const err of error) { %>
      <div class="alert alert-danger">
        <%= err %>
    <% } %>
<% } %>

and I would actually rename it to errors since it's plural我实际上会把它重命名为错误,因为它是复数

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