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使用消费计划在 Azure function 应用程序上运行 sudo 命令

[英]Running sudo command on a Azure function app using consumption plan

I am trying to deploy an azure function written using python to an azure function app.我正在尝试将使用 python 编写的 azure function 部署到 azure function 应用程序。 The function is using pyzbar library. function 正在使用 pyzbar 库。 The pyzbar library documentation says that in a Linux environment, the below command needs to be executed so that the pyzbar can work. pyzbar 库文档说在 Linux 环境中,需要执行以下命令以便 pyzbar 可以工作。

sudo apt-get install libzbar0

How can I execute this command on the consumption plan.如何在消费计划上执行此命令。 Please note that I can get this to work if I deploy the function with a container approach using a premium or a dedicated plan.请注意,如果我使用高级或专用计划通过容器方法部署 function,我就可以让它工作。 But I want to get this to work using the consumption plan.但我想让它使用消费计划来工作。

Any help is highly appreciated.非常感谢任何帮助。

  • I have a work around where every time you trigger your function it will run a script that will install the required packages using the command prompt.我有一个解决方法,每次您触发 function 时,它都会运行一个脚本,该脚本将使用命令提示符安装所需的包。

  • This can be achieved using subprocess module这可以使用子流程模块来实现


subprocess.run(["apt-get"," install"," libzbar0"])

for Example in the following code I am installing pandas using pip and returning it's version.例如,在下面的代码中,我使用 pip 安装 pandas 并返回它的版本。


  • But this will increase your execution time as even if you have added the packages it will continue to execute the installation commands every time you trigger the function.但这会增加您的执行时间,因为即使您添加了软件包,它也会在您每次触发 function 时继续执行安装命令。


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