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可以在 Firebase Analytics 上忽略从 Flutter 应用程序购买的沙盒吗?

[英]Can sandbox purchases from Flutter app be ignored on Firebase Analytics?

I have built a Flutter app for iOS that has an auto-renewing subscription in-app-purchase.我已经为 iOS 构建了一个 Flutter 应用程序,它具有自动续订应用程序内购买功能。 I am using Flutter's in_app_purchase package for the purchases and Firebase for much of the backend, including analytics.我使用 Flutter 的in_app_purchase包进行购买,使用 Firebase 进行大部分后端操作,包括分析。 I haven't written any custom analytics for IAP.我还没有为 IAP 编写任何自定义分析。

The revenue analytics shows a bunch of money in the "Total Revenue" graph, though no money in the ecommerce or ad lines.收入分析在“总收入”图表中显示了一大笔钱,但在电子商务或广告行中没有钱。 Opening these data in Google Analytics there's an option to view in app purchases, but there are none there, either.在 Google Analytics 中打开这些数据,有一个选项可以查看应用内购买,但那里也没有。

This "revenue" is coming from the sandbox purchases my beta testers have made.此“收入”来自我的 Beta 测试人员进行的沙盒购买。 Is there any way to ignore sandbox purchases in analytics?有什么方法可以忽略分析中的沙盒购买吗? Has anyone else run into a similar problem?还有其他人遇到过类似的问题吗?

I think the problem doesn't belong to Flutter, but to Google Analytics.我认为问题不属于 Flutter,而属于 Google Analytics。 Therefore, I would create a custom rule to filter specific events inside Google Analytics.因此,我会创建一个自定义规则来过滤 Google Analytics 中的特定事件。

Here are some links that might help you:以下是一些可能对您有帮助的链接:

GA4 - Filter Events GA4 - 过滤事件

Analytics Academy分析学院

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