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[英]R: Sequential Single Column to Two Columns

I have a dataframe like the following, where each individual ( ID ) travels to a location sequentially.我有一个如下所示的 dataframe,其中每个人 ( ID ) 按顺序前往一个位置。 I would like to restructure this dataframe so that I can get a From column and a To column for each ID我想重组这个 dataframe 以便我可以获得每个 ID 的From列和To

ID   location  order
1    6141500   1
1    6140690   2
2    6141450   1
2    6140430   2
2    6141450   3

Ideal output:理想 output:

From       To  
6141500    6140690   
6141450    6140430
6140430    6141450   
df %>%
  summarise(from = location, to = lead(location),.groups = 'drop')%>%

# A tibble: 3 × 3
     ID    from      to
  <int>   <int>   <int>
1     1 6141500 6140690
2     2 6141450 6140430
3     2 6140430 6141450

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