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[英]Consolidating multiple zookeeper for different kafka clusters

we have 5 kafka clusters with 5 diff zk clusters (1-1 relationship).我们有 5 个 kafka 集群和 5 个 diff zk 集群(1-1 关系)。 we want to move to single zk cluster (because we end up wasting/investing too many machines just to make sure high availability of zk, 25 machines in our case).我们想转移到单个 zk 集群(因为我们最终浪费/投资了太多机器只是为了确保 zk 的高可用性,在我们的例子中是 25 台机器)。 The zkpath for all the kafka cluster are diff (otherwise there might have been some problems ).所有 kafka 集群的 zkpath 都是不同的(否则可能会出现一些问题)。 as par this and this resources it should be possible, but trying to understand if someone has tried it?作为这个这个资源的一部分,它应该是可能的,但试图了解是否有人尝试过? We don't want any kafka downtime during the switchover.我们不希望在切换期间有任何 kafka 停机时间。 Putting kafka aside if we try to merge two zk cluster what would happen?如果我们尝试合并两个 zk 集群,将 kafka 放在一边会发生什么? Will it just merge disjoint keys?它会合并不相交的键吗?

As long as you use unique chroots within the same cluster, you shouldn't experience any issues.只要您在同一集群中使用唯一的 chroot,就不会遇到任何问题。

Note: as of Kafka 3.3.x, where kraft mode is announced as production ready, you don't even need Zookeeper.注意:从 Kafka 3.3.x 开始,kraft 模式被宣布为生产就绪,您甚至不需要 Zookeeper。

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